Planck, On the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. Berlin 2, 237 (1900) (Translated by D. ter Haar in The Old Quantum Theory (Pergamon 1967))


- - - - -

  Let us consider a large number of monochromatically vibrating, resonators – N of frequency ν (per second), N’ of frequency ν’, N” of frequency ν”, - - -, with all N large numbers which are at large distances apart and are enclosed in a diathermic medium with light velocity c and bounded by reflecting walls. Let the system contain a certain amount of energy, the total energy Et (erg) which is present partly in the medium as traveling radiation and partly in the resonators as vibrational energy. The question is how in a stationary state this energy is distributed over the vibrations of the resonators and over the various colors of the radiation present in the medium, and what will be the temperature of the total system.

  To answer this question we first of all consider the vibrations of the resonators and assign to them arbitrarily definite energies, for instance, an energy E to the N resonators ν, F to the N' resonators ν’, - - -. The sum

                     E + E' + E" + ... = E0

must, of course, be less than Et. The remainder EtE0 pertains then to the radiation present in the medium. We must now give the distribution of the energy over the separate resonators of each group, first of all the distribution of the energy E over the N resonators of frequency ν. If E is considered to be a continuously divisible quantity, this distribution is possible in infinitely many ways. We consider, however this is the most essential point of the whole calculation – E to be composed of a very definite number of equal parts and use thereto the constant of nature h = 6.55 × 10 –27 erg sec. This constant multiplied by the common frequency ν of the resonators gives us the energy element ε in erg, and dividing E by ε we get the number P of energy elements which must be divided over the N resonators. If the ratio is not an integer, we take for P an integer in the neighborhood.

 It is clear that the distribution of P energy elements over N resonators can only take place in a finite, well-defined number of ways. Each of these ways of distribution we call a "complexion", using an expression introduced by Mr. Boltzmann for a similar quantity. If we denote the resonators by the numbers 1, 2, 3, - - -, N, and write these in a row, and if we under each resonator put the number of its energy elements, we get for each complexion a symbol of the following form

      1   2   3   4   5   6    7   8   9   10

      7  38  11  0   9   2   20   4   4   5

We have taken here N = 10, P = 100. The number of all possible complexions is clearly equal to the number of all possible sets of numbers which one can obtain for the lower sequence for given N and P. To exclude all misunderstandings, we remark that two complexions must be considered to be different if the corresponding sequences contain the same numbers, but in different order. From the theory of permutations we get for the number of all possible complexions

   N(N+ 1)(N+2) ... (N+P –1)/1·2·3 - - -P = (N+P – 1)!/(N – 1)!P!

or to a sufficient approximation,

             = (N + P)N + P /NNPP .

 We perform the same calculation for the resonators of the other groups, by determining for each group of resonators the number of possible complexions for the energy given to the group. The multiplication of all numbers obtained in this way gives us then the total number R of all possible complexions for the arbitrarily assigned energy distribution over all resonators.

 In the same way any other arbitrarily chosen energy distribution E, E', E", ... will correspond to a definite number R0 of all possible complexions which is evaluated in the above manner. Among all energy distributions which are possible for a constant Eo = E + E' + E" + ... there is one well-defined one for which the distribution. We look for this distribution, if necessary by trial, since this will just be the distribution taken up by the resonators in the stationary radiation field, if they together possess the energy E0. The quantities E, E', E", - - can then be expressed in terms of E>0. Dividing E by N, E' by N',..., we obtain the stationary value of the energy U ν, Uν, Uν ... of a single resonator of each group, and thus also the spatial density of the corresponding radiation energy in a diathermic medium in the spectral rangeν toν+ ,

   uν dν= (8πν3/c3) U ν dν

so that the energy of the medium is also determined.

 Of all quantities which occur only E0 seems now still to be arbitrary. One sees easily, however, how one can finally evaluate E0 from the total energy E, since if the chosen value of E0 leads, for instance, to too large a value of E, we must decrease it, and the other way round.

 After the stationary energy distribution is thus determined using a constant h, we can find the corresponding temperature θ in degrees absolute using a second constant of nature k = 1.346×10–6 erg degree–1 through the equation

     1/θ = k dln R0/dE0 .

The product k ln R0 is the entropy of the system of resonators; it is the sum of the entropy of all separate resonators.

 It would, to be sure, be very complicated to perform explicitly the above-mentioned calculations, although it would not be without some interest to test the truth of the attainable degree of approximation in a simple case. A more general calculation which is performed very simply, using the above prescriptions shows much more directly that the normal energy distribution determined in this way for a medium containing radiation is given by the expression

     uνdν= (8πν3/c3) dν/(e hν/λθ – 1)

which corresponds exactly to the spectral formula which I gave earlier

     Eλdλ= c1λ–5 dλ/(e c’/λθ – 1) (c’ is used instead of original c2)

The formal differences are due to the differences in the definitions of uν and Eλ. The first equation is somewhat more general inasfar as it is valid for an arbitrary diathermic medium with light velocity c. The numerical values of h and k which I mentioned were calculated from that equation using the measurements by F. Kurlbaum and by O. Lummer and E. Pringsheim.*

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l      F. Kurlbaum4 gives S100 S0 = 0.0731 Watt cm–2, while O. Lummer and E. Pringsheim5 give λm θ = 2940 μdegree.






広重 徹、物理学史II、培風館、1968

15−2 輻射公式より



振動数νのN個のまったく同じ共鳴子が,同じ振動数の空洞輻射を介して相互にエネルギーを交換しているとする。従来のPlanckの理論と異なるのは,ここではっきりとBoltzmannの考えに立って,エントロピーは無秩序に依存すると述べ,共鳴子のエントロピー,その振幅や位相が絶えず変化する,その不規則さのなかに求めようとしたことである。共鳴子のエネルギーもじつは絶えず変わっており,従来のは時間的平均値とせねばならない。そうすると,1個の共鳴子のエントロピーは,多数の共鳴子へ全エネルギー= Nを同時に配分する方法の数Wによって規定されるであろう。Boltzmannによれば,全エントロピー N = N

N  =  log W + const.

で与えられる**。しかしながら,エネルギーを連続量とみなすとWは無限大になってしまうので,エネルギーの各共鳴子への分割は有限εずつしか行なえないものと仮定する: UN = Pε. Pは整数で、εをエネルギー要素と名づける。さて,P個のεをN組に分ける方法の数は

= (NP-1)!/P!(N – 1 )! (NP)!/ P! N! (NP)N+P/PPNN

である。ただし,NPはともに大としてStirlingの公式を使った。これの対数をとってN を求めると

N  = k{(N+P)log(N+P) – NlogN - PlogP}.

P =/ε, =NUを代入し,全体をNで割って

S = k{(1+U/ε)log(1+U/ε) – (U/ε)log(U/ε)}                       (8)

他方,Wienの変位則を波長の代わりに振動数で書くとu = (ν3/c3)f (θ/ν)である。uは輻射のエネルギー密度である。uUの比例関係から***,U = νf (θ/ν)とおくことができる。あるいは逆にθ= νf (U/ν)。ゆえに

1/θ = (1/ν) f (U/ν) = S/U.


S = f (U/ν),

すなわち,共鳴子のエントロピーはU/νのみの関数である。これを(8)と比べると, hを普遍定数としてε= hνでなければならないことがわかる (Planckの定数はこうして導入されたのである)

これを(8)に代入して∂S/Uを計算し,それを1/θに等置すると,それからただちに U

U = hν/(e hν/kθ – 1)


   u = (8πhν3/c3) (e hν/kθ – 1).                              (9)


* M.Planck "Uber das Gesetz der Energieverteilung im Normalspektrum", Ann. D. Phys., (4), 4, 553-563 (1901); Physicalische Abhandlungen und ortraege, Bd. 1, SS. 717-727.

** 9-3で述べたように,この式を明らさまに書いたのはこのときのPlanckが最初である。

*** uu = (8π/3) という関係にある。したがって,Uとはu = (8πν2/c3) という関係にある。






c1θλ-4dλe –c2/λθ


* Lord Rayleigh: "Remarks upon the Law of Complete Radiation", Phil. Mag., 49, 539 (1900); Scientific Papers, Vol. 4, pp. 483-485.