CFRL News No. 22を添付資料としてお届けします。(2001.03.03.



翌日の地方新聞The Oregonianは、一面トップでこの地震を報じ、詳細な解説記事を載せています。アメリカ大陸西海岸はPacific PlateJuan de Puca PlateNorth American Plateとがせめぎ合っている、日本列島の太平洋岸に似た地震多発地帯です。Seattle周辺とCaliforniaとは地震が多いのに、不思議なことにここPortlandは少ないようです。Oregon州で最も被害の大きかった地震は、1993年にPortland付近で起こったM5.6のもので、人的被害はなく、物的被害の総額3000万ドルだったということです.

新聞の解説の中に、地震予知についても”Predicting quakes is an uncertain science”という表題の記事があって、その中に地震予知についての詳細はU.S. Geological Survey Web site:



   “No one was predicting that an earthquake centered near Olympia would rock the Northwest this week, this year or even this decade.

   That’s because no one knows how to predict earthquakes with any certainty.

   Nevertheless, Wednesday’s quakes was not surprising to the scientists who study and monitor earthquakes. They quickly point to the 7.1 temblor [quake] that hit the Olympia area in 1949, killing eight people. 

   “We operate on the assumption that if you had a big earthquake before, you can have one again in the same place,” said Evelyn Roeloffs, a geophysicist with the Cascade Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Wash. The  observatory is part of the U.S. Geological Survey.


   “In the meantime, the most extensive earthquake monitoring is being done in California. In Parkfield, Calif., an elaborate system of instruments monitor ground movement along the San Andreas Fault. In that area about halfway between San Francisco and Los Angels, earthquakes measuring around 6.0 have occurred about every 20 years, most recent one was in 1966.

   Based on the historic record and other evidence, the U.S. Geological Survey had predicted that an earthquake would hit the Parkfield area by the end of 1993.

   There have been several scares. After a series of smaller quakes in 1993, for in stance, the U.S. Geological Survey and the California Office of Emergency Services alerted the Parkfield area that there was a 37 percent chance of a 6.0 quake striking within days.

   The alert was later canceled, however, and a quake of that magnitude still has not hit that area.”


「現象の再現性がないから常温核融合(CFP)は科学で無い」という議論に対して、「台風の発生予想や地震予知ができないから、再現性がないからといって、それが科学の対象にならないとは誰も考えないじゃないの」と、私が言ってきたことを思い出してください。このNews No. 22でも報じたように、現象の起る機構が次第にはっきりしてきて、CFPの科学は地震学や気象学のレベルに近づきつつあるようです。科学が分かると、技術の進歩は速いものです。