CFRL News No. 61          (2005. 5. 20)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   常温核融合現象CFP(The Cold Fusion Phenomenon) は、「背景放射線に曝された、高密度の水素同位体(H and/or D)を含む固体中で起こる、核反応とそれに付随した事象」を現す言葉です。


  CFRL News No.61をお送りします。この号では、次の記事を掲載しました。

1.    “The Cold Fusion Phenomenon and a Complexity (1) – Complexity in the Cold Fusion Phenomenon –“ Proc. JCF6 (April 27 – 28, 2005, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan) (掲載予定)

2.    H. Kozima, “Cold Fusion Phenomenon” Rep. Fac. Science, Shizuoka Univ. 39, 21-90 (2005) が出版されました。

3.    JCF6 (April 27 – 28, 2005, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan) が開催されました。


1. 論文 “The Cold Fusion Phenomenon and a Complexity (1) – Complexity in the Cold Fusion Phenomenon –“ Proc. JCF6 (April 27 – 28, 2005, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan) 掲載予定。



2. H. Kozima, “Cold Fusion Phenomenon” Rep. Fac. Science, Shizuoka Univ. 39, 21 - 90 (2005) が出版されました。



Matrix Substances

Transition metals (Ti, Ni, Mo, Pd, Pt, etc.), Proton Conductors (SrCeO3, REBa2Cu3O7, AlLaO3), Ferroelectrics (KD2PO4, TGS, etc.), Others (C, NaxWO3, Stainless Steel, etc.)


10n, 11H, 21H, (168O), 63Li, 105B, 2311Na, 3919K, 8537Rb, 8737Rb, SO42–, etc.

Direct Evidences

Neutron energy spectrum n(ε), Gamma rays γ(ε), Spatial distribution of NT products (A’Z’X(r)),  Decay time shortening, Fission barrier decrease

Indirect Evidences

Excess Heat Q, Number of neutrons Nn, Number of tritons Nt, Number of 42He NHe4,

Number of NT products NNT (for NTD, NTF, NTA, and NTT), X-ray spectra X(ε)


今のところこの長い論文をPDFファイルにする予定はありませんが、大学図書館などにこの雑誌Reports of Faculty of Science, Shizuoka Universityが収蔵されていると思いますので、関心のある方はご覧ください。摘要を下に引用します。


First of all, it should be mentioned that the term "Cold Fusion Phenomenon" (CFP) includes nuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.

In 1989, Fleischmann and Pons published the first modern paper on this problem. In an electrolytic system, Pd/D2O + LiOD/Pt, they measured excess heat, tritium and neutrons. They expected to conclude from the experimental data that the observed data were resulted from d-d fusion reactions in solids, the Fleischmann's hypothesis, are generally considered improbable to occur in solids. Succeeding investigations revealed, however, that such curious events not known before are also observed in systems containing only protium without deuterium. Furthermore, it became clear that there are no positive results without background thermal neutrons thus showing the essential role of thermal neutrons in CFP. More puzzling factors in CFP are poor reproducibility and the sporadic occurrence of events. In addition to these qualitative characteristics discovered, there is an enormous amount of data of various kinds of events occurring in samples localized at surfaces/boundaries showing facts peculiar to CFP, which are inexplicable without invoking nuclear reactions in materials used in the CF experiments (CF materials).

A phenomenological approach using a model (TNCF model) was tried as an orthodox procedure to attack complex problems with unknown parameters difficult to explain theoretically using known fundamental equations. We were able to give a consistent explanation of various experimental data sets obtained in both protium and deuterium systems and in proton conductors with the TNCF model. Puzzles of CFP pointed out above were explained indirectly from unified point of view based on experimental facts. The key postulate of the phenomenological TNCF model is the existence of thermal neutrons in fcc transition-metal hydrides/deuterides and proton conductors, where most positive data have been obtained. The TNCF model with an adjustable parameter, nn, has been successful in explaining characteristics of CFP and many quantitative relations between CF products. Also, a progress of the TNCF model has been made to the neutron drop model to explain nuclear transmutations where a multi-neutron absorption by a nuclide is needed.

In an attempt to explain quantum mechanically the several postulates assumed in the successful models, it has been shown that there are previously unknown, important new fields in nuclear physics and solid-state physics. These fields are closely related with the CFP and are not explained by conventional knowledge of physics. The excited state of neutrons around the separation level (zero energy) in a nucleus is a concept not recognized to have any importance in nuclear physics. The quantum mechanical state of hydrogen isotopes in fcc transition-metal hydrides and deuterides is another concept not recognized to have an important connection with nuclear physics. Surface layers on the cathodes in electrolytic systems and boundary layers in compound CF materials play important role in realization of CFP. These problems especially in electrolytic systems are investigated quantum mechanically and complexity in CFP is pointed out in this paper.


3. JCF6 (April 27 – 28, 2005, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan) が成功裡に開かれました。

