CFRL News No. 59           (2004. 12. 10)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   常温核融合現象CFP(The Cold Fusion Phenomenon) は、「背景放射線に曝された、高密度の水素同位体(H and/or D)を含む固体中で起こる、核反応とそれに付随した事象」を現す言葉です。


  CFRL News No.59をお送りします。この号では、次の記事を掲載しました。

1.    ICCF11が開かれました

2.    論文Cold Fusion Phenomenon and Solid State-Nuclear Physics”をICCF11で発表しました

3.    2004年の“DOE報告”が12月1日に発表されました。




詳細はICCF11のホームページ をご覧ください。


2. Kozima, “Cold Fusion Phenomenon and Solid State-Nuclear Physics”ICCF11で発表しました。



3. 2004年の“DOE報告121日に発表されました

デンマーク(?)Haiko Lietzから、DOEの常温核融合現象に関する再検討(DOE's cold fusion review)の結果(Reort of the Review of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, DOE Report – 2004と略記)が次のウェブサイトで見られることを知らせてきました(他に何通かの同様なメールを受けました).

DOEのこのサイトには、再検討の経緯が詳しく説明してあり、その結果が5ページほどの文章(DOE Report−2004)で説明されています。この報告をdoc文書にして、このCFRLウェブサイトに掲示しました。また、再検討を要求してDOEに提出された、アメリカのCFP研究者5人による論文(a review document)も、DOEの上記サイトに掲載されています(文献1)。



While significant progress has been made in the sophistication of calorimeters since the review of this subject in 1989, the conclusions reached by the reviewers today are similar to those found in the 1989 review.

The current reviewers identified a number of basic science research areas that could be helpful in resolving some of the controversies in the field, two of which were: 1) material science aspects of deuterated metals using modern characterization techniques, and 2) the study of particles reportedly emitted from deuterated foils using state-of-the-art apparatus and methods. The reviewers believed that this field would benefit from the peer-review processes associated with proposal submission to agencies and paper submission to archival journals.”

プロジェクトに応募したり、雑誌に投稿したりして、査読者の意見を聞くのが有益であるという最後のコメントは当然と言えば当然のことです。ただ、DOEの性格から当然なのかもしれませんが、確立した学問分野における論文と、まさにMedawar zoneの右側に属する論文の違いが認識されていないらしいのは残念なことです。(cf. “Discovery”, Section 16.5, )。

DOE Report – 2004の付録にある文献1(review document)は、問題を絞ってD-D反応によるHeと過剰熱の発生を示そうとしたようですが、結果は不成功に終わったということでしょう。常温核融合現象(CFP)という、複雑系に起る多様な事象をトータルに捉えることが必要だということは、いくら強調してもしすぎることはないでしょう。それが事実を正しく知らせ、本腰を入れて取り組むべき課題であることを多くの分野の研究者に認識してもらう最善の道でしょう。「急がば回れ」というのは、出発点で躓いたCFP研究の現状に最適な格言のようです。現象の起る場が複雑系であること、CFPが他の物性の研究結果といろいろな関連を持っていることなど、これまであまり注目されてこなかった事実に注意する必要があるでしょう。Fleischmannの仮定に囚われない多様な広い視野からの研究が、この分野の発展と隣接分野との交流に寄与することは確実です。CFPの実験事実は、上記Conclusiondeuterated metalsの研究に寄与するはずです。

DOE Report - 2004については、新聞やメールのニュースレターで論じられていて、それらの異なる観点からの意見は参考になります。New York Times What ‘s Newのものを紹介します。


Evidence on Cold Fusion Remains Inconclusive, New Review Finds


In a new review of cold fusion - the claim that energy can be generated by running electrical current through water - the Department of Energy released a report yesterday that says the evidence remains inconclusive, echoing a similar report 15 years ago.

Over the past several months, 18 scientists reviewed research in cold fusion, and two-thirds of them did not find the evidence for nuclear reactions in the experiments convincing. Almost all of them, however, said that aspects of cold fusion merited consideration for further research.

"I think the new review has shed some light on the status of research that has been done over the last 15 years," said Dr. James F. Decker, deputy director of the science office in the Energy Department who agreed to the review at the request of several scientists involved with cold fusion research.

Dr. Decker said the department was open to proposals for cold fusion research, but added that was not new. "We have always been open to proposals that have scientific merit as determined by peer review," he said. "We have never closed the door to cold fusion proposals."

Cold fusion briefly appeared to promise an unlimited energy source in 1989 when Drs. B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann of the University of Utah announced that they had generated fusion - the same process that powers the sun - in a tabletop experiment using a jar of water containing deuterium, a heavier version of hydrogen.

They claimed that an electrical current running through the water pulled deuterium atoms into two palladium electrodes, generating heat. The speculation was that the heat was coming from the fusion of the deuterium atoms.

Other scientists, however, had trouble reproducing the findings, and at the end of 1989, a review by the Energy Department recommended against a specific cold fusion research program, although it did support further investigation into some aspects.

After that, most scientists regarded cold fusion as a discredited farce, but a small group of scientists continued work in the field. Measurements have become better, but cold fusion experiments still produce heat at best half of the time. At the end of last year, several cold fusion scientists approached Dr. Decker, asking for a review. Dr. Decker agreed.

In the review, nine scientists chosen by the Energy Department considered a paper submitted by the cold fusion scientists. Another nine listened to oral presentations by cold fusion scientists in August.

"This was a very, very scientific, very level-headed, review by everybody," said Dr. Kirby W. Kemper, vice president for research at Florida State University and one of the reviewers of the oral presentations. But Dr. Kemper said, "I don't think we've made much progress since '89 in really nailing down the parameters that make it reproducible."

He said there were interesting scientific questions on the behavior of hydrogen within metals that merited research, and he said his comments tried to offer a future research path.

Dr. Michael McKubre, a scientist at SRI International, one of the scientists who approached Dr. Decker last year, said the conclusions were at least "mildly positive" in endorsing consideration of further research.

"All we set out to demonstrate was there were serious issues of science that had to be developed further," Dr. McKubre said. "If you look through the materials, the majority, if not the entirety, agree on that point."(NYT December 2, 2004)

他方、University of Marylandの、かのBob Parkは、What’s New123日号で次のように論じています。批判派の一人の論評として、興味があります。

Cold, Cold Fusion So after 15 Years, what has been learned?

We’ve learned that DOE should stop playing games with the Federal Advisory Committee Act while shrouding its review in secrecy (WN 17 Sep 04). Beyond that, we haven’t learned much. The report released this week is an attempt to summarize individual comments from 18 unidentified reviewers. The conclusions at the end of the report were: 1) "significant progress has been made in sophistication of calorimeters," and 2)"conclusions reached by reviewers today are similar to those found in the 1989 review." That’s it? After 15 years we’ve got better calorimeters? The 1989 review called for no more cold fusion research. Good advice. Proponents now prefer "low energy nuclear reactions," but "no more" is still good advice. (WN December 3, 2004)