CFRL News No. 46 (2003. 1. 15)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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  CFRL News No. 46をお送りします。

   常温核融合現象CFP(The Cold Fusion Phenomenon) は、「背景放射線に曝された、高密度の水素同位体(H and/or D)を含む固体中で起こる、核反応とそれに付随した事象」を現す言葉です。


1) 常温核融合現象とビーム・固体相互作用

2) 「非熱核融合」講演会(2002年1月31日)が開催されます。

3) H. Ikegami and R. Pettersson, “Evidence of Enhanced Nonthermal Nuclear Fusion” Bulletin of Institute of Chemistry, Uppsala University, September 2002.Abstracts


1.              常温核融合現象とビーム・固体相互作用

1989年にFleischmannPonsPd/D系で異常発熱を伴うトリチウムと中性子の発生を観測して以来、多くの研究が常温核融合現象(CFP)についてなされて来ました。実験系は二つに大別できます:(1)一つは電解、放電および気体接触によって水素と/あるいは重水素を遷移金属P, Ni, Tiに吸蔵させるもの、(2)もう一つは低エネルギー(100keV以下位)の水素同位体イオンやレーザー光を試料に照射するものです。ICCF8の報告集Proceedingsが編集に際して、Experiments with Stimulationを別に分類しているのも、この差異を意識してのものです。





[1] M. Fleischmann, S. Pons and M. Hawkins, "Electrochemically induced Nuclear Fusion of Deuterium", J. Electroanal. Chem. 261, 301 (1989). [339, 349]

[2] H. Kozima, S. Watanabe, K. Hiroe, M. Nomura, M. Ohta and K. Kaki, "Analysis of Cold Fusion Experiments Generating Excess Heat, Tritium and Helium", J. Electroanal. Chem. 425, 173 (1997) and 445, 223 (1998).


2. 「非熱核融合」講演会




各 位


結晶加工と評価技術 145委員会 (主催)

委員長 梅野 正隆

マイクロビームアナリシス 141委員会 (共催)

委員長 日比野 倫夫


この度、現在ウプサラ大学にご滞在中の大阪大学名誉教授 池上 栄胤氏をお招きし










日時: 平成15131日(金) 1330 〜 1730

場所: 弘済会館 4階 楓の間 (JR中央線、地下鉄丸の内線「四谷駅」下車徒歩5分、TEL 03-5276-0333)


(司会 大阪大学理学研究科 南園 忠則)


1.あいさつ 東京大学名誉教授 高良 和武

2.「溶融金属リチウム中のLi + d核融合加速」(80) ウプサラ大学 池上栄胤

3.コメント (15) 九州大学名誉教授 河合光路


4.「凝集体内核融合の物理」 (40) 大阪大学工学研究科 高橋亮人

5.「重陽子注入固体内の重水素密度と核融合反応率の異常増加」(30) 神戸商船大学  北村晃

6.「固体金属中での核融合:金属は原子核反応の特異環境か?」(40) 東北大学理学研究科 笠木治郎太



2Hidetsugu Ikegami and Roland Pettersson, “Evidence of Enhanced Nonthermal Nuclear Fusion” Bulletin of Institute of Chemistry, Uppsala University, September 2002.

4. A. Takahashi, K. Maruta, K. Ochiai and H. Miyamaru, "Detection of Three-Body Deuteron Fusion in Titanium Deuteride under the Stimulation by a Deuteron Beam", Phys. Letters 255A, 89 (1999).

5. N. Kubota, A. Taniike and A. Kitamura, “Production of High Energy Charged Particles during Deuteron Implantation of Titanium Deuterides Conference Proceedings 70 (Proc. ICCF8, May 21 – 26, 2000, Lerici, Italy) p.311.

6. J. Kasagi, H. Yuki, T. Baba and T. Noda, “Low Energy Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Solids” Conference Proceedings 70 (Proc. ICCF8, May 21 – 26, 2000, Lerici, Italy) p.305.



3.H. Ikegami and R. Pettersson, “Evidence of Enhanced Nonthermal Nuclear Fusion” Bulletin of Institute of Chemistry, Uppsala University, September 2002.Abstracts.


(1). Preface (to the Bulletin, September 2002) By Karin Markides and Sven Kullander


In this bulletin a new nuclear fusion scheme is presented. Deuterium ions of about 25 keV energy are incident on a Li target operated at temperatures just above the melting point. The detected event rate of around a thousand per second corresponds to an enormous enhancement  between 1015 – 1010 as compared to what is expected for deuterium ions interacting with free Li atoms.

The fusion reaction events are defined by energetic particles escaping from the Li surface and detected in a solid state Si detector which is monitored by 5.3 MeV alpha particles from an americium source. The presumed alpha particles have energies up to three times the energies of the reference americium alphas.

These experimental findings can be explained by a theory where several new concepts and mechanisms such as, buffer energy, adiabatic transition (quantum mechanical resonance) between atomic fusion and nuclear fusion, fusion reactions enhanced by the thermodynamic force and so on have been introduced.

Explanations of the new concepts and interpretations of present experimental results based on these concepts are beyond the scope of a paper in usual academic journals. With considerations of the state of affairs, all results on the new fusion scheme are published as the three‑in‑a‑set papers in the Bulletin of Institute of Chemistry, Uppsala University, September 2002 which can be found at internet. We hope that this publication will stimulate continued works in order to better understand the enhanced fusion rate. We would also welcome any comments or criticism.


September 2002


(2) 1. Buffer Energy Nuclear Fusion


Hidetsugu Ikegami

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.  40, 6092‑6098 (2001)



A compact scheme of non‑thermonuclear fusion is presented. Hydrogen ions are implanted directly from nonthermal discharge plasma or ion source into a surface of liquid Li metal at a buffer energy of a few tens keV where nuclear stopping occurs. The ions interact with Li atoms or mixed element atoms which are not being internally excited and tend towards the formation of united atoms at the minimum Gibbs free energy point. This leads to the enhanced rate of non‑thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen ions due to cohesion in the liquid metal


(3) 2. Recoilless Nonthermal Nuclear Fusion

Hidetsugu lkegami* and Roland Pettersson

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 531, S‑75121 Uppsala, Sweden



The effect of thermodynamic force on the nuclear fusion with protons of 10 keV energy was observed in metallic Li liquids exhibiting an enhancement of rate by a factor of about 104 in spite of quenching due to nuclear recoil. In an improved reaction scheme, deuterons are implanted into a Li liquid at an energy of several tens keV. They tend to the recoilless proton transfer nuclear fusion without electronic excitation and inner shell ionization of liquid atoms via enhanced atomic fusion, that is, united atoms formation which induces the momentum matched 7Li(d, n)8Be* .24He reaction. An enhancement of some 13 orders of magnitude is expected without quenching. Monochromatic intermediate neutrons produced are absorbed in the Li liquid releasing additional energy through the reactions, 7Li(n, γβ)8Be*24He and 6Li(n, γ)7Li. The scheme also provides new monochromatic intermediate neutron and gamma‑ray sources.


(4) 3. Evidence of Enhanced Nonthermal Nuclear Fusion

Hidetsugu lkegami* and Roland Pettersson



The 7Li (d, nα)4He reaction has been studied with 10 – 24 keV deuterons implanted on metallic Li. Alpha‑particles were measured using a solid state detector and neutrons by a BF3 counter. When the Li target was in the solid phase, no single event was observed as inferred from known reaction cross‑section data. Using metallic Li in the liquid phase we observed a rate enhancement by a factor of 1015 – 1010. This enhancement is explained by united atoms LiD formation enhanced by the thermodynamic force in metallic Li liquids, which induces adiabatically the recoilless 7Li(d, n)8Be*24He reaction.