CFRL News No. 43 (2002. 11. 15)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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  CFRL News No. 43 をお送りします。


1) INE 2002 Symposium の報告 Hal Fox.


1) Report on the INE 2002 Symposium

   INE 2002 シンポジュームがSalt Lake City, Utah, USA で、82324に開催されました。

 J. New Energy編集者のHal Foxの報告をもとに、内容をお知らせします。このシンポジュームについての問い合わせは、次のアドレスにお願いします。

Hal Fox, Editor of Journal of New Energy,


Presentations at the INE 2002 Symposium

(1) Hideo Kozima, "TNCF Model Explanation of Cold Fusion"

(2) Moray B. King, "Quest for Zero-Point Energy"

(3) Theodore C. Loder, III; "'Outside the Box' Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century."

(4) Donald Reed, "Conceptual Hurdles to a Physics of the 21st Century."

(5) Hal Fox, "New Energy Devices That Are Being Commercialized."

(6) Russell Anderson, "BEAMSHIP Technology: A Successful Application T.T. Brown's Electrokinetic Apparatus."

(7) John Aikman, "Geometrical Dimensional Analysis."

(8) Hal Fox, "Problems in Physics That Need Resolution."

(9) Vladimir B. Ginsburg, "Electric Nature of Strong Forces."     

(10) Domina E. Spencer, Uma Shama, Philip J. Mann, "Mathematical Solution for the Electron. The Interpretation of the Graneau Experiments"

(11) Thorstein Ludwig, "Founding of the Berlin Institute for Innovation Energy Technologies."

(12) Hal Fox, "The Future of Transmutation."

(13) Hal Fox, Handout of Paper by Albert Einstein, May 5, 1920,

"Aether and the Theory of Relativity." By Albert Einstein

(14) Roberto Monti, "Variations of the Half-Lives of Radioactive Elements and Associated Cold Fusion and Cold Fission Reactions."

(15) Robert Kester, “A New Approach to Electromagnetism”

(16) Thomas Valone, "Quantum Vacuum: Source of Energy and Matter."    

(17) Dan Chicea, "Comment on Post-Hydrogen Absorption Nickel Surface S.E.M. Analysis Results."

(18) Bert Schreiber “The Fundamental Theory of the Universe.”

(19) Dr. Gary L. Johnson “A Medium Power Solid-State Tesla Coil”

Conference Summary Roundtable

Brief Membership Meeting of INE


Following report is by Hal Fox. Please contact him about this symposium to the following mail address;

Hal Fox, Editor of Journal of New Energy


Report by Hal Fox, Editor of J. New Energy.


Friday-Saturday, August 23-24, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah

[Abstracts of papers, where available, are provided.]


(1) Hideo Kozima, "TNCF Model Explanation of Cold Fusion"

Presented by Hal Fox

Changed isotope concentrations and distorted surface topographies were observed by J. Dash et al. over the last ten years in the surface layers of cathodes after prolonged electrolytic experiments. These results can now easily be understood in terms of the "trapped neutron" catalyzed fusion (TNCF) model, which invokes no more than standard nuclear physics and the natural susceptibility of background neutrons in the laboratory to initiate spontaneous nuclear transmutations by thermal absorption. The material of the electrodes exhibited intricate and visible microscopic patterns in the areas where the altered isotope concentrations, which we postulate were caused by nuclear transmutation (NT), had been detected. In the experiments where new elements were found or where the concentrations of the host electrodes' isotope ratios were scrambled excess heat was generally given off as well, in amounts that were very tiny but statistically significant and certainly incommensurate with any enthalpies that could be attributed to ordinary chemical processes. The products of nuclear transmutation are explained either by decays of the cathode element nuclei with one higher mass number than original (nuclear transmutation by decay, or (NTD) or by fissions of these nuclei with several more mass numbers (nuclear transmutation by fission, or NTF). The model analyzed two cases of quantitative changes of isotope ratios in Ti and Pd cathodes. The result shows that a semi-quantitative explanation of the experimental data sets as a whole is possible with reasonable values of the adjustable parameter in the model.

For the characteristic surface topography with pits, a possible semi-quantitative explanation is given by explosions of tiny spheres (droplets) locally heated by nuclear reactions in the droplet with the parameter given above.


(2) Moray B. King, "Quest for Zero-Point Energy"

     [No abstract available]


(3) Theodore C. Loder, III; "'Outside the Box' Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century."    

Presented by David Faust

This paper reviews the development of antigravity research in the US and notes how research activity seemed to disappear by the mid 1950s. It then addresses recently reported scientific findings and witness testimonies - that show us that this research and technology is alive and well and very advanced. The revelations of findings in this area will alter dramatically our 20th century view of physics and technology and must be considered in planning for both energy and transportation needs in the 21st century.


(4) Donald Reed, "Conceptual Hurdles to a Physics of the 21st Century."      Presented by Moray King

Time, space, energy and mass form the four-field conceptual basis for gauging physical reality.  The following paper, as a follow-up to a previous exposition which focused on the necessity to change the current paradigm for time, continues in this same vein, but will also consider in greater depth the interrelations of this phenomenon with the other three yardsticks cited above. Again, information garnered from a wide variety of sources will be considered. We hope to provide, through just such a unique eclectic format, the beginnings of a possible fresh understanding of the workings of nature and perhaps ultimately furnish a conceptual basis for extending the structure of current physical theory to compatibly encompass the elements of a unified framework of physics and metaphysics.


(5) Hal Fox, "New Energy Devices That Are Being Commercialized."

A thirteen-year search for new-energy devices that have strong commercial potential has revealed a few devices deemed to be ready for commercialization.  These new-energy devices will be discussed.  These devices include:  1)  High-density charge cluster technology which was first discovered by Kenneth Shoulders (USA) and later found by three other independent scientists.  2) Dr. Randell Mills discovery of collapsing the hydrogen atom below its ground state.  3) A device from Russia that vibrates a mix of light and heavy water through a special dielectric material to produce more thermal energy than used to power the oscillator.  4)  Two solid state (magnetic and inductive) devices being produced in Hungary.  The source of the excess energy is cited as being from zero-point energy for items 1 and 4.  The energy source for item 2 is chemical energy (involves the electrons) and the source for item 3 is reported to be from benign nuclear reactions.


(6) Russell Anderson, "BEAMSHIP Technology: A Successful Application T.T. Brown's Electrokinetic Apparatus."

The first part of my presentation will be a brief hovering flight demo of the 1-meter Beamship Variation I, followed by a background and intro/elaboration on the history of electrogravitics, from Tesla and Piggot in the early 1900s, to TT Brown in the 1920s thru the 1960s, with emphasis on TT Brown's work and patents, most of which originated in the work done from 1957-1960 at AH Bahnson labs in North Carolina. Next will be the history of my work in the electrogravity field and my research since 1982.Included will be video of my functioning 3-foot flying saucers from Jim Cix's 2000 antigravity conference in Reno, NV.

Included will be presentation in stills and video of my experiments, and how I came to achieve the largest size and highest efficiency, and angular momentum in the world. I will discuss my empirical results and present a transparency of my data-table, showing the improvements in size and efficiency as I learned more from each of my experiments.


(7) John Aikman, "Geometrical Dimensional Analysis."

Formulas of physics, represented as vectors, are structured into three dimensional vector spaces simultaneously recognizable as three dimensional use of mathematical language and logic, and three dimensional concept, units, and dimensional analysis maps.

With fundamental physical constants inserted as common logarithms, what can result is a three dimensional logarithm table, a structured system of natural units, a periodic table of physics definition and physical law which yields new perspectives on the contention over terminology and unit systems central to physics itself.  The multiple dimension format of such metaformulas not only offers increased efficiency and density of information display, and a format that is the calculating device, combination of these structures, as vector space multiplication, amounts to mathematics of an order above and beyond customary use.  The metaformula ratios and metaformula products portray multiple new arrays of mathematical relationships derived all at once.


(8) Hal Fox, "Problems in Physics That Need Resolution."

Some of the long-held models of physical principles have been superseded by various scientific discoveries.  Some of these discoveries have been ignored and the long-held models have become accepted belief structures in the physics textbooks and in physics classes.  A list of such inadequate models is presented and sources cited to present the reader with information that should lead to the reader's challenge of the current belief structure.


(9) Vladimir B. Ginsburg, "Electric Nature of Strong Forces."     

Presented by Hal Fox

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(10) Domina E. Spencer, Uma Shama, Philip J. Mann, "Mathematical Solution for the Electron. The Interpretation of the Graneau Experiments"


In the 1980's and 1990's Peter and Neal Graneau carried out an important series of electromagnetic experiments which cannot be explained by classical electromagnetic theory.  These experiments demonstrate the existence of tangential forces which the Graneau's have explained by use of the Weber equation for the force between moving charges.  However, we have shown in previous papers presented at the 4th and 5th St. Petersburg Conferences that the Weber equation and the classical equations for the force between moving charges do not explain overhead welding, the Hering furnace or the unipolar generator and that these three experiments are explained by the new Gaussian equation for the force between moving charges.  This paper applies the new Gaussian equation to the Graneau experiments and shows that these experiments can be explained by both the Weber equation and the new Gaussian equation.  Thus the new Gaussian equation is the only equation for the force between moving charges which explains all of the electromagnetic experiments which have hitherto been investigated.


(11) Thorstein Ludwig, "Founding of the Berlin Institute for Innovation Energy Technologies." [No abstract available]


(12) Hal Fox, "The Future of Transmutation."

The concept that transmutation can take place only under high energy conditions is subject to experimental evidence.  A variety of references are cited showing that nuclear reactions are not limited to nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons.  The evidence suggests that the scientific view of man-made nuclear reactions can be considerably expanded to include a variety of low-energy nuclear reactions.  Experimental evidence from the author's laboratory is presented and a variety of sources cited.


(13) Hal Fox, Handout of Paper by Albert Einstein, May 5, 1920,

"Aether and the Theory of Relativity." By Albert Einstein

   Address on May 5, 1920, at the University of Leyden.

How does it come about that alongside of the idea of ponderable matter, which is derived by abstraction from everyday life, the physicists set the idea of the existence of another kind of matter, the aether?  The explanation is probably to be sought in those phenomena which have given rise to the theory of action at a distance, and in the properties of light which have led to the undulatory theory.  Let us devote a little while to the consideration of these two subjects.


(14) Roberto Monti, "Variations of the Half-Lives of Radioactive Elements and Associated Cold Fusion and Cold Fission Reactions."

Summary by Hal Fox

According to the Alpha-Extended model of the atom, heavier elements are made from lighter elements by Low Energy Transmutations (Cold Fusions). Conversely, lighter elements can be produced by Cold Fission of heavier elements.  Cold Fusion and Cold Fission are complementary and reversible processes.

Some ordinary chemical reactions can cause Cold Fusion and Cold Fission of stable nuclei. This led me to test the effects of similar chemical reactions on unstable (radioactive) nuclei during early 1993 and a new series in March 1995 which is detailed herein.  The objective is to achieve and observe Cold Fusion/Fission in radioactive elements by using a variety of proprietary formula Fusion/Fission Mixtures (FM's) and Collecting Elements (E's) and noting changes to radioactivity or evidence of significant changes to quantity of elements.


(15) Robert Kester, “A New Approach to Electromagnetism

[No abstract available]


(16) Thomas Valone, "Quantum Vacuum: Source of Energy and Matter."    

Presented in Absentia

Today this country faces a destabilizing dependency on fossil fuels to which robust, alternative sources of concentrated energy have not been shown to exist. The need exists for a portable source of power, defined as the consumption of energy per time that can compete with fossil fuels in terms of energy per volume.

A further need exists on land, in the air, and in space, for a fuelless source of power which, by definition, does not require re-fueling. The future freedom of mankind, so cherished by this country, depends upon the discovery of such a source of energy. One aim of this study is to provide a clear understanding of the basic principles of the only known ubiquitous candidate for a fuelless source of power: zero-point energy. Another aim of this study is to look at the feasibility of various modalities of energy conversion that are available for the use of zero-point energy. The present paper is an exerpt of an exhaustive, book-length thesis entitled, Zero-Point Energy: Fuel of the Future to be published in 2003.


(17) Dan Chicea, "Comment on Post-Hydrogen Absorption Nickel Surface S.E.M. Analysis Results."

Several experiments of loading Hydrogen into Nickel metals foils by using them as cathodes in prolonged electrolysis experiments were performed. Details about the experimental setup and parameters are presented. The cathode surface was analyzed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy technique before and after experiments. Results reveal that different elements that were not present in the surface layer before the experiment could be identified in the system after the experiment, with an accuracy

considerable above the experimental errors. The possibility of accidental or unintended contamination is considered and discussed as well. These results are similar with the results reported in many experimental papers on low energy nuclear reactions and are discusses in connection with them.


(18) Bert Schreiber “The Fundamental Theory of the Universe.”

There has been no specific fundamental theory of the universe set forth in the past. There came into existence over time two systems. One is called the Classical and the other the Quantum. The only common connection between these two is time. The current concept of time is the elapsed time between two events or its measurement; not what is time or what sets time itself. This current time is based upon such being as mathematical points flowing only one direction, hence, is said to be continuous. That is impossible, as there could be no present with continuous time. A present requires an existence, albeit "infinitely" small, but nevertheless must exist. This paper will show that the current three entities (constants) defining the universe, mass, length, and time, area and volume should have been included, are of a quantum nature. There is one missing quantum that is and was the time we call a second as set by and in the universe itself. Words as used and their meaning as interpreted by others causes the greatest problems. Therefore, current words and their meanings have been changed and new words or phrases coined.


(19) Dr. Gary L. Johnson “A Medium Power Solid-State Tesla Coil”


Several researchers, including the Graneaus, the Coreas, Pappas, and Johnson, have observed anomalous energy events in electrical discharges. This suggests the possibility that electrical discharges might be involved in tapping into the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The author is reporting on a controllable voltage source that consists of a solid state inverter and a Tesla coil. The Tesla coil is driven at the base like a quarter-wave antenna above a ground plane. Resonant frequency depends on the length, diameter, and number of turns of the coil, and also on the size of the top load, usually a toroid or sphere. Coils tested thus far have been in the range of 100-300 kHz. The radiation resistance appears to be almost identically zero. A tuned receiver is unable to detect an operating Tesla coil at distances of more than a few hundred meters.  No repeatable energy anomalies have yet been observed. This paper reports only on the method of generating electrical discharges using a Tesla coil and a solid-state inverter.


Conference Summary Roundtable

     "Steps to Commercialize New Energy Devices"

The problem discussed was how to commercial some of the new-energy devices now being developed.  The following selected comments and suggestions were made:

1. Inventors have problems of getting some of their inventions patented by the U.S. Patent Office or worse having an invention arbitrarily classified SECRET even when no government funds were involved in the invention nor development.

2. New Energy publications (such as New Energy News, J. of New Energy, Infinite Energy, etc.) are serving to communicate the latest developments.

3. Certification should be sought from University laboratories. However, it may be difficult to get Universities to do any testing of new technologies unless the government is also funding new-energy development.

4. Describe invention details and developments on websites.

5. The problem of who controls the invention and development is often a barrier to funding or development.

6. Important to develop hardware not paperware.

7.  May need to go out of country to obtain proper development within limited budgets.


Brief Membership Meeting of INE

     The annual meeting of members of the Institute of New Energy unanimously elected the present officers and members of the board of directors to serve for another year.