CFRL News No. 42 (2002. 11. 10)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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  CFRL News No. 42 をお送りします。


1) 常温核融合に関するイタリア会議が12月に開催されます (論文募集).

2) JCF4-Morioka (4th Meeting of Japan CF Research Association, October 17-18, 2002, Morioka, Japan) の私的報告

3) 常温核融合研究における科学と特許について(On the Science and Patentability in CF Research


1) 常温核融合に関するイタリア会議が12月に開催されます(論文募集).

   JCFメンバーへのF. Celaniからのメールによると、常温核融合に関するイタリア会議TESMI MeetingがイタリアのLecceで開かれる予定だとのことで、発表論文を募集しています。送られてきた要綱はイタリア語ですが、適宜英語を交えて整理したものを下に掲載します。

TESMI Meeting;

TESMI (Tecniche ed Esperimenti in Sistemi Metallo-Idrogenno (Techniques and Experiments in Metal-Hydrogen Isotopes Systems)) Meeting will be held,

Place; at Universita degli Studi di Lecce (at Lecce University), Lecce Italy,

Date; December 6-7, 2002.

Presentation; Oral and poster presentations are called for

Themes; on Calorimetry, Measurement of emission products, Determination of transmuted elements and Proposal of new theories.

Proceedings; Publication of proceedings will be expected.


Official Language(s); Italian (and English?)

Papers from all Cold Fusion Researchers abroad are also welcome.


2) JCF4-Morioka (4th Meeting of Japan CF Research Association, October 17-18, 2002, Morioka, Japan) の私的報告



1-1. この会議で発表された実験結果のうち、最も印象的だったのは、遷移金属試料に水素同位体(H2, D2)を圧力差を利用して拡散(透過)させ、その際に生ずる常温核融合現象を観測する方法での実験が幾つか発表されたことです

 この方法を最初に用いた実験は、ロシアのV.A. Romodanovたちで、1995年ごろから成果が発表され始めています[1]。彼らは金属(Mo, Nb, Zr, . . .)あるいはセラミックス(TiC, VC, ZrC and ZrN)の筒に1気圧の重水素ガスを詰め、0.2気圧の重水素ガスの中でのグロー放電の陰極とします。そのとき、多量のトリチウムが発生することを観測しています。トリチウムの量は、Moのときが最も多く、TiC, VCではその1割程度でした。


岩手大学と三菱重工業のグループがこの種の試料を使ってD2あるいはH2ガスを拡散させたときの常温核融合現象CFPを観測しており、ICCF9-Beijing, 2002 (Cf. CFRL News No.36)で発表した結果の再確認およびその後の成果をJCF4で発表しています。それらの研究のJCF4 Abstractsでの報告番号はJCF4-3, 4, 18, 19, 20 (Iwate University Group) および JCF4-16 and 17 (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries group)です。


 次の3種の実験が行われています;()電解(JCF4-3 and 4),(2)圧力差による拡散(JCF4-18 and 19),()グロー状(近アーク)放電(JCF4-20). (Cf. CFRL News No.36, Article 1, List 95 – 97.)

 このグループの実験データで特に興味のある結果は、(a) H2O電解の際にPd陰極の表面層にBaなどの重い元素の核が検出されたこと(JCF4-3) (b) H2拡散の際にPd薄膜の表面層内にCr, Fe, およびCuが検出されたことです。後の場合、これらの元素の同位体比は天然のものと同じでした。

This data of the isotope ratios the same to natural ones may show (i) the mechanism to produce new nuclides is the same (or similar) to one worked to produce the natural isotopes of these elements, or (ii) the observed nuclei were contamination of natural elements by some chance. The second possibility seems excluded in their experiments with care for it and we tend to accept the first possibility.

A reasoning of the first possibility of new nuclides production with the same isotope ratios to the natural ones is given by the mechanism where participate high-density neutron liquid and/or neutron drops presented by the present author (ICCF9 Abstracts p.56, CFRL News No.36, Article 1, List 44, JCF4-9). The high-density neutron liquid and/or neutron drops formed therein work to form nuclides as shown by the simulation calculation to show stability of neutron star matter and formation of the Coulomb lattice of neutron-proton clusters [3]. If the situation in the boundary layers in the above experiments is close to condition of heavy nuclides formation in stars, the isotope ratios might be close each other as observed in the experiments (JCF4-18).




 このグループの発表は、ICCF8の発表(Proc.ICCF8 (2000), p.141)の研究を引き継ぎ、ICCF9 (Cf. CFRL News No.36, Article 1, List 34 – 36.)の結果を補足するもので、PrMoの検出を異なる方法で再確認しています。XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)による検出をXANES(X-ray absorption near edge structure)TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight SIMS)を使って確認しています。

   Productions of such nuclear products with mass and proton numbers largely shifted from preexisted nuclides as Pr and Mo in these experiments and Ba and others in experiments by Iwate University Group are explained by the interaction of the neutron liquid and/or neutron drops with preexisted nuclides as discussed in my paper JCF4-9 presented in this Meeting.


1-2. 他のグループ(北大、横浜国大、大阪大学、神戸商船大学)は、それぞれ従来の実験を継承する実験を行っており、一定の成果を挙げています。

イタリアのF. CelaniINFN-LNFIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Laboratorio Nazionale Frascati (National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Frascati National Laboratory))はSrおよびHg塩を用いた電解系での最近の実験データを発表しました。Pd陰極の表面層で幾つかの新しい元素を検出しています。


1-3. 僕の発表は、中性子滴を用いた質量数の変化の大きい核変換の説明です。

Neutron Drops and Production of the Larger Mass-Number Nuclides in CFPJCF4-9



[1] V.A. Romodanov, V.I. Savin and Ya.B. Skuratnik, "Nuclear Reactions at Effect of Deuterium Ions on Ceramic Materials from Plasmas of Glow Discharge", Progress in New Hydrogen Energy (Proc. ICCF6) (1996, Hokkaido, Japan), 590 (1996) and references cited therein.

[2] Y. Iwamura, N. Gotoh, T. Itoh and I. Toyoda, Correlation between Behavior of Deuterium  in  Palladium  and  Occurrence  of  Nuclear  Reactions  Observed by Simultaneous  Measurement  of  Excess  Heat  and  Nuclear Products, Proc. of ICCF6 (Hokkaido, Japan) p.274 (1996)

[3] J.W. Negele and D. Vautherin, "Neutron Star Matter at Sub-nuclear Densities" Nuclear Physics, A207, 298 (1973).


3) 常温核融合研究における科学と特許について





ここでは、第一の傾向について、特に特許に関連して残っている誤解を解くために、Bob Parkの情報を掲載しました(情報通のBob ParkWNは、読み方によっては役に立ちます)。なお、誤解を避けるために付言すれば、科学の真理が特許庁の役人の判断によって決まるものではないことは、言うまでもないことです。


Articles related to patentability by Bob Park recently appeared in his weekly newsletter “What’s New”.


 [WN Friday, September 6, 2002]


The status of BlackLight Power's (BLP) intellectual property is fuzzier than ever. BLP was awarded Patent 6,024,935 for "Lower-Energy Hydrogen Methods and Structures," a process for getting hydrogen atoms into a "state below the ground state." (WN 18 Feb 00) You might expect these shrunken hydrogen atoms, called "hydrinos," to have a pretty special chemistry. Do they ever. Indeed, a second patent application titled "Hydride Compounds" had been assigned a number and BLP had paid the fee. Several other patents were in the works. That's when things started heading South. Prompted by an outside inquiry (who would do such a thing?), the patent director became concerned that this hydrino stuff required the orbital electron to behave "contrary to the known laws of physics and chemistry." The Hydride Compounds application was withdrawn for further review and the other patent applications were rejected. Since the one patent already issued involves the same violations of basic laws of physics, there is a cloud over its status as well. BLP filed suit in federal court arguing that it was too late for the Patent Office to change its mind. The court was not impressed, so BLP appealed the decision. In denying the appeal, the court said the Patent Office has a responsibility to take "extraordinary action" to withdraw a questionable patent. The long-awaited IPO may have to wait a little longer. (Boldfaced at citation.)

[WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 18 Oct 02]


The standards have been too lax, and the Patent Office knows it. Patents are reexamined in extreme cases, such as hydrinos (WN 6 Sep 02) and the motionless electromagnetic generator (WN 23 Aug 02), but it's rare.  However, a provision in the Patent and Trademark Office Authorization Act making it clear that it's never too late to reexamine a patent if substantial new questions of patentability are raised, should help (WN 6 Sep 02). 
