CFRL News No. 22 (2001. 3. 10)

                 常温核融合研究所      小島英夫

   CFRL News (Cold Fusion Research Laboratory News) No. 22 をお届けします。


1)   FTにほぼ掲載可となった二つの論文,

H. Kozima, “Neutron Bands in Metal Hydrides --- Effects of Occluded Hydrogen on Nuclear Reactions in Solids”

H. Kozima et al., “Reality of ‘the Super-nuclear Interaction’ in Metal Hydrides and Deuterides --- Verification by Numerical Calculations for PdH (D)”

  Abstract と簡単な説明、

2) d-d fusion reactionの不可能性を論じた論文について、

3)   アメリカ物理学会の3月会議のCold Fusion Sessionの目次,

4) WNの関連論評



1) H. Kozima, “Neutron Bands in Metal Hydrides --- Effects of Occluded Hydrogen on Nuclear Reactions in SolidsFusion Technology (to be published)


The interaction between a neutron in a nucleus at a lattice point (in a lattice nucleus) and another neutron in another lattice nucleus through a proton (or deuteron) at an interstitial site between them is formulated. The interaction between neutrons through the interstitial protons (or deuterons) could be called the super-nuclear interaction for its long-range nature even if the strength is extremely small compared with neutron-neutron interaction by the nuclear force in a nucleus. If the neutrons are in an excited state of the nucleus with a wave function with larger orbits than that of the ground state, the interaction becomes considerable, making the excited states form a fairly wide band (a neutron valence band) similar to valence bands of electrons in semiconductors. Possible influences of the super-nuclear interaction on the nuclear reactions in solids are discussed.

 H. Kozima, J. Warner, G. Goddard and J. Dash, “Reality of ‘the Super-nuclear Interaction’ in Metal Hydrides and Deuterides --- Verification by Numerical Calculatioons for PdH (D)” Fusion Technology  (to be published)


The interaction between adjacent metal nuclei mediated by interstitial protons (deuterons) in metal hydrides (deuterides) ("the super-nuclear interaction") proposed in our previous paper is verified by numerical calculations using information about a proton (deuteron) wave function given by a neutron scattering experiment. The proton (deuteron) is assumed to be trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential, which is calculated by the experimentally determined root-mean-square deviation from its equilibrium position. Differences in the interaction of protons and deuterons with the lattice and in the physics of other phenomena are discussed on the new basis obtained in this paper.


まず、現象論的なモデルの特徴を再説します。このことは、既に何度も繰り返し強調していてこのNewsの読者には既知の事実なのですが、世界の研究者の間では一向に理解が進まないようです。人によっては、お前の英語が悪いからだ、と言われます。Malloveの“Japanese English unevenness”(News No.21 3) 参照)という評価もありますから、そうなのかも知れません。とにかく、理論と銘打っても、現象論的なものから、微視的な原子、分子、原子核を量子力学的に取り扱って結論を引き出すものまで、種々多様ですから、その辺の腑分けをキチンとしておかないと、混乱が起こります。







2) Cold Fusion (d-d fusion reaction)の不可能性を論じた論文について



投稿原稿にたいして何人かの査定レビュアー(peer reviewer、査読者)が、そんな計算は既にIchimaruたちがもっとスマートに、完璧にやっているではないか、と言いました。それが

 S. Ichimaru, Nuclear Fusion in Dense Plasmas, Rev. Modern Physics Vol. 65, p. 255-299 (1993)

です。この論文の一部に、PdDTiD_{2}におけるd-d fusion probabilityの計算結果が示されています。結果は、IntroductionC.(p. 258)に纏められている次の文章を読めば分かります。

    “The flurry of interest produced by the announcement of cold fusion rapidly polarized the scientific community into two groups: diehard enthusiasts and extreme skeptics. The initial experimental reports on power production through cold fusion have now been dismissed by almost everyone. However, it is important not to go to the extreme of rejecting all possibilities uncritically. Here we assess the fusion rates in metal hydrides I order to help provide an objective assessment of these possibilities (Leggett and Baym, 1989; Ichimaru, Ogata, and Nakano, 1990)”

CFPd-d核融合によるものという先入観に囚われて、その可能性を追求する研究者がいるのはよいとして、それを否定すればCFPが消滅し、したがって全ての理論的営みが消滅する、と考える浅薄さが明らかです。それを金科玉条として、8年経った今でもそれで新しい試みを裁断しようとする物理学者が何人もいるのです。それも、限られた数の査読者の中に半数もいるとすると、この偏見は殆どの物理学者(RMP程度は読んでいる)が、共通にもっている先入観なのでしょう。前号でも取り上げ、この号にも登場願ったWNの筆者などもその一人なのでしょう。(この号の4)参照) 先入観とは恐ろしいものですねー!


3) APS March Meeting at Seattle, March 12-16

このMeetingは、日本物理学会の会議で言えば分科会に相当するもので、Divisions, Topical Groups, Forumsは、次のような分野を含んでいます。

Divisions: Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Physics, High Polymer Physics, Chemical Physics, Biological Physics, Fluid Dynamics, Laser Science and Computational Physics;

Topical Groups: Instrument and Measurement Science, Magnetism and Its Applications, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Statistical and Nonlinear Physics;

Forums: Industrial and Applied Physics, Physics and Society, History of Physics, International Physics, and Education and Physics.

その規模がアメリカ的です。About the Scientific programの最初に、次のような説明があります。(下線は引用者)

“An outstanding scientific program will be presented consisting of more than 90 invited sessions and 550 contribute sessions at which approximately 5,000 papers will be presented. In addition, tutorials and workshops will be offered (see section on tutorials and workshops in this announcement.)

 そのセッションの中にCold Fusionがあり、各12分の発表時間が割り当てられています。

Session V14. DFD: Quantum Fluids and Solid IV: Cold Fusion.

Thursday morning, 08:00, Room 210, Washington State Convention Center

08:00 V14.001 Nuclear Reactions from a Many-Body D^+ Ion Band State

Talbot Chubb, Scott Chubb (Research Systems Inc., 5023 N. 38 St., Arlington, VA 22207)

08:12 V14.002 Concerning the Relationship Between Broken Gauge Symmetry, Pons-Fleischmann Anomalies and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

Scott Chubb, Talbot Chubb (Research Systems Inc., 5023 N. 38 St., Arlington, VA 22207)

08:24 V14.003 The Measurement of Helium Isotopes to Demonstrate Solid State Nuclear Processes.

Michael C. H. McKubre, Francis L. Tanzella (SRI International, Menlo Park, CA), Paolo Tripodi, Vittorio Violante (ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy)

08:36 V14.004 Calorimetry of Pd + D Codeposition in a Fleischmann-Pons Dewar Cell

Melvin H. Miles (NHE Lab, 3-5 Techno-Park 2 - Chome Shimonopporo, Atsubetsu-Ku, Sapporo-004, Japan), Stanislaw Szpak, Pamela Mosier-Boss (Spawar, San Diego, California 92152), Martin Fleischmann (ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy)

08:48 V14.005 Dissipative tunneling of deuterons in Palladium Deuterides

K.P. Sinha, Peter Hagelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Cambridge, MA 02139)

09:00 V14.006 Ways to Initiate a Nuclear Reaction in Solid Environments

E. K. Storms (Energy K. Systems, 2140 Paseo Ponderosa, Santa Fe, NM 87501)

09:12 V14.007 Helium Four Produced via Cavitation

R.S. Stringham (First Gate Energies, 2166 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA 94043)

09:24 V14.008 Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Induced by Plasmon-Phonon Interaction in fcc Metal Lattice

Vittorio Violante, Paolo Tripodi (ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy), Michael C. H. McKubre, Francis L. Tanzella (SRI International, Menlo Park, CA), Daniele Di Gioacchino (INFN Frascati, Italy)

09:36 V14.009 Proposed Physical Mechanism to Account for the Kasagi Effect

Peter Hagelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Cambridge, MA 02139)

09:48 V14.010 Plastic deformation in a strained palladium deuteride induced by anomalous neutron capture in an ultraweak thermalized neutron field

A.G. Lipson, S. Miyashita, N. Asami, E. I. Saunin, R. Shimada, T. Senju (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117915 Moscow, Russia)

10:00 V14.011 Anomalous Reaction Phenomena in Metals under High Proton Loading

G. H. Miley, C. Castano, M. Okuniewski, G. Selvaggi, A. Lipson (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus, 103 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 USA)

10:12 V14.012 How metallurgical and geometrical properties of the samples affect the low energy nuclear reactions in solids

Paolo Tripodi, Vittorio Violante (ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy), Michael C. H. McKubre, Francis L. Tanzella (SRI International, Menlo Park, CA), Daniele Di Gioacchino (INFN Frascati, Italy)

10:24 V14.013 Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: Status at the Beginning of the New Millenium Eugene F. Mallove (New Energy Research Laboratory, PO Box 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816)

このMeetingSeattleという近いところで開かれることもあり、論文を投稿しようと思っていたのですが、うやむやの内に投稿期限が締め切られていて、参加できませんでした。たった10分の発表になんで1日$190Nonmember feeを払うのか、ということもありますが。(

Full Registration $375)



T1 Mathematica Programming Fundamentals

T2 Electronic Polymers and Oligomers: Fundamentals and Applications

T3 MEMS” How to Make, Model and Use Microdevices in a Macro-world

T4 Sensitive Measurements

T5 Spintronics

T6 Single Molecule Imaging in Condensed Matter and Biology

T7 Putting Nanotubes to Work

T8 Opportunities for Applications of Physics in New Communications

それはそれとして、Cold Fusionについては、WNの筆者がコメントを書いてくれています。


4) APSの先端科学に対する態度WN的解釈を示す記事(下線は引用者)

WN, Friday, 8 December 2000 Washington, DC


There are highly-classified intelligence warnings circulating among federal agencies that certain rogue nations are planning to use "cold fusion" to make a terrorist bomb. This comes from an old speculation by Martin Fleischmann, based on what he thought was going on in Pons' lab. But why now, years later? The answer lies in the intense PR campaign waged by believers to convey the impression that cold fusion has become respectable. Even "Science and Government Report," a Washington newsletter, writes: "Cold fusion may be wearing down opponents in the science mainstream." Well, not exactly. The newsletter cites the fact that the APS allows CF sessions at its meetings, but the APS has always accepted all contributed papers. This leads to some nutty sessions, but it's preferable to censorship.

 申請した特許が不許可になった件でM. Swartzが最高裁にだしていた訴訟について、最近(2/23)WNが却下されたかのように報じました。(The highest court in the land is unlikely to review the case, which has the effect of upholding the appeal court ruling. After twelve years, cold fusion still has trouble being taken seriously.)これが見込み記事だったようで、Swartz達が、APSスポークスマンの、言論による少数派差別だと問題にしています。