CFRL News No.14 (2000..7. 10)

                  常温核融合研究所      小島英夫

   CFRL News (Cold Fusion Research Laboratory News) No.14をお届けします。

   14 号では、

1)     ICCF8の報告2(詳細1)、

2)     Int. J. Hydrogen Energyに出た我々の論文のAbstract

3)     2CF(固体内核反応)研究会講演会の開催予定概要、




1) ICCF8報告(2)(詳報1)

 会議の直前にICCF8の組織委員の一人、ミラノ大学の熱血漢G. Preparata教授(58歳)がガンで亡くなられたとのことで、M. Fleischmannが会議の冒頭に追悼講演を行いました。先の岡本真実教授の逝去といい、若くして亡くなられる研究者の訃報は痛ましく、残念です。


1-1. ICCF8でのTNCFモデル関係の話題

 Alternative Energy Institute, Inc. がそのweb site: ICCF8の紹介をしています。その中のSpeakers/speakers.htmlで、多少とも説明文のついた20名のうちにあるH. Kozimaの説明文を引用します。

“Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Shizuoka University. His paper “Neutron Band in Solids” was published in the Journal of Physical Society of Japan in September 1998. His book, “Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon: Development of Solid State Physics and the Energy Crisis in the 21st Century” was published by Ohtake Shuppan Inc., in Tokyo, 1998. The book is 370 pages and the ISBN is 4-87186-044-2. Kozima is associated in the cold fusion area with his TNCF (trapped neutron catalyzed fusion) theory, and this book focuses on the theory. Kozima was one of the first to attempt a replication of the Pons-Fleischmann paper. He was fortunate to get results in the first attempt, in the form of neutrons. He soon realized that the processes were stochastic, and therefore difficult to repeat at will. Dr. Kozima is a senior consultant and founding member of Japan’s CF-Research Society.”

 この説明文中、”this book focuses on the theory.”というのは、一面的すぎることが、お読みになった方には分かると思います。どこかで同じような評価を見たような気がしますが、この本には実験データの紹介が約100ページ、TNCFモデルの説明とデータ解析が約150ページあります。上の説明は”this book introduces various experimental data in CFP and analyses them by the TNCF model.”とでもすべきだとは思いませんか.


“Hideo Kozima has been very prolific in describing his Trapped -Neutron-Catalyzed-Fusion theory. Central to the model is a source of neutrons, which are released under certain circumstances. When they are found to cause a nuclear reaction, the magnitude of the reaction is used to calculate the supposed concentration of active neutrons. Supported for the model is based on the calculated neutron concentration values falling within a relatively narrow range. Unfortunately, the parameters used to calculate the neutron concentrations have no relationship to the actual environment in which the reactions occur. The source of these neutrons has always been a problem, which Kozima now proposes may be cosmic neutrons related to sunspot activity.”

捕獲中性子に関しては、講演のときにもG. Mileyから質問が出ました。Bohrモデルを引用して、モデルには無前提な仮定が存在し、モデルの価値は現象を如何にうまく説明するかである、と説明したのですが、この点の理解が難しいようです。次のステップである、成功したモデルの中の仮定(Premises)が物理的に何を意味するのかを研究する問題との混同があるようです。これまで何年にも亘って同じ批判、質問を受け続けており、その度にBohrモデルの安定な定常軌道の仮定とその量子力学的解決の経緯を説明してきました。(例えばNews No.12, 4)参照)Sturm und Drangの時期を過ぎた学問(をする学者)には、仮説やモデルの存在価値が希薄になるということでしょうか。これらの点を指摘し、訂正を申し入れましたが、受け入れられるとよいのですが。




2) H. Kozima and K. Arai, “Local Coherence, Condensation and Nuclear Reaction of Neutrons at Crystal Boundary of Metal Hydrides and Deuterides” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 25, 845 (2000)


   Using a concept of the neutron Bloch wave in the one-body approximation presented previously, possibilities of following effects in boundary regions of crystals including hydrogen isotopes are pointed out: occurrence of local coherence, formation of neutron Cooper pair, condensation of neutrons, formation of neutron drop and an effective nuclear reaction of a nucleus with thermal neutrons. It is shown that these new states and reactions will have strong effects on solid state-nuclear physics in metal hydrides (deuterides). Stochastic occurrence of localized nuclear reactions observed in CF experiments is explained by these properties of the trapped neutron. Possible application of the nuclear reactions in metal hydrides is discussed.










  アブストラクト締め切り: 2000年7月31日

  プログラム決定連絡:    2000年8月末



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  Tel: 81-6-6879-7890 または 7891


 アブストラクト 申込期限:2000731



4) Open Minded Attitudes to the Science

                                Hokkaido University     Michio Enyo

   One of our research topics for several years before 1989 was the Pd hydrogen electrode system. This was concerned on the study of detailed mechanism of the hydrogen electrode reaction, particularly to establish the partition of hydrogen overpotential between the process of proton (water) discharge that forms hydrogen adatoms and the process of recombination of the hydrogen adatoms that forms hydrogen molecules.  Therefore, at the time of announcement of the cold fusion (CF) phenomena in the March of 1989 by Fleischmann et al., we were in a position very close to the system concerned and thus very easy to grasp the topic. 

   At the time of the announcement, and perhaps the time throughout until now, it is believed that the key factor of the CF would be to realize the gigantic high hypothetical hydrogen (deuterium) pressure that reflects the concentration of hydrogen (deuterium) dissolved in Pd.  In this respect, we thought that we could make some contributions to the field, such as to evaluate the pressure and the means to increase the pressure under a given condition.  We made some comments such as that the pressure would be very high but not as high as the level Prof. Fleischmann thought; it was determined not by the hydrogen overpotential itself but by the part that is partitioned on the hydrogen recombination process.

   The Fleischmann-Pons* effect has not been perfectly reproduced   during some ten years after the first announcement, but the field itself has been widened particularly for the discovery of similar phenomena even in light water system or finding the fact that indicates the involvement of atomic transmutation processes.  We believe that we could make sizable important contributions in the latter topics.

   Although the field of CF appears to be confirmed to a reasonable level, attitudes of the people towards the CF seems to be more and more clearly split into two categories; people in one group seems to became more and more confident to support the phenomena but the others became more solid in denying it.  The situation is rather unfortunate as it prevents discussions to be held in a normal scientific manner and hence prevents development of the field in a sound sense.  Science certainly grows on the basis of sound and free scientific discussions, either positive or negative, but not based on any superficial ideas.

   It is said in the history of science, that the people once, and then probably many times, thought that the level of development of the science at that time was such that its essential part was mostly cleared, except for minor points.  However, they were then to see that entirely new concepts and new paradigms were disclosed soon.  This tells us that we should never be sure if everything is already made clear now.  It is hence important for us to be modest toward the nature and to have open-minded attitudes to the development of science.

Incidentally, it is rather difficult to understand that some people even on the side supporting the CF does not seem to believe that the distance from the CF of the d-d fusion type to any transmutation processes such as the one involving light hydrogen is far smaller than the distance from the CF phenomena to the ordinary hot fusion process.  In other words, if one dares to believe that the d-d type CF or the like should exist after all, he then should admit that the transmutation processes would be in a reasonable distance from the latter.  Here again, people should take more open-minded attitudes.  We should always anticipate wider possibilities of the science than that we know at the present time. (February 24, 2000)