CFRL News 1 (1999.6.10)

                     常温核融合研究所  小島英夫

   CFRL News (Cold Fusion Research Laboratory News) を今月からほぼ月刊で発行します。


1) R. Murrayの不定期メール「Vortex」に、珍しくCFに肯定的な記事が載っていましたのでL. Caseの実験の話と

2) SSEの講演でのBockrisによる私のTNCFモデルの紹介に関連した話題



1)Murray のVortex Newsが久しぶりにpositiveNewsをのせています。

その中で注目されるのが、L. Case の実験です。

June 7, 1999   Hello, I am very pleased to tell of a report by Mike McKubre [ ] of Stanford Research Institute on on-going research on Les Case's cell. It uses a commercial porous carbon catalyst, coated with palladium, to catalyze D2 gas at 3 atm into helium, producing steady heat output and a linear rise of helium to almost 11 ppm, twice the background of 5.2 ppm, from day 5 to 30 of the run.  The sealed 50 cc metal cell is connected directly to a highly sensitive mass spectrometer, well able to totally separate out the D2 peak from the helium peak.  A control run with H2 produced absolutely no effects. The heat output of about .5 to 1.0 W was compatible with the reaction: 2 D 4^He + 24 MeV. About a dozen Case cells have been run, with a success rate of about one in two or three.

  There are some tricks in getting it to work: the catalyst has to be cleaned and kept clean. The fact that the cells can not always be made to work increases the credibility of the report in my eyes, as I would expect a simple artifact to occur every time, since the output helium rises in a simple, untroubled line.  My meager wits are unable to imagine any applicable artifact.  Therefore, I expect this breakthrough success to continue at SRI, and to be speedily replicated by other labs. In addition, since in physics, the basic rule is that what is not prohibited is mandatory, then we must give much greater credence to the vast body of reports of the many varieties of cold fusion in the last ten years.  The seedling has not expired, and deserves copious watering.  Without being specific, McKubre said that theoretical progress was being made.

   McKubre, lucid, calm, confident, pleased, said that the evidence

for excess heat was "essentially overwhelming," and told me, "Les Case is an incredible man."

   McKubre also reported successful production of excess heat with a palladium & heavy water electrolytic cell. McKubre spoke at 4:40 PM Thursday, June 3, 1999, at the Society for Scientific Exploration 18th Annual Meeting, Northrop Hall, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, June 3-5.  The first afternoon session was for cold fusion.  George Miley of the Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Lab at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [ ] presented his well-known claims of massive nuclear transmutations in plated 1 mm plastic beads, coated with Ni, Pd, or, in Run # 15, Ti, a metal not previously publicly mentioned to my knowledge, in weeks of electrolysis in light water.  These two dozen runs were done in 1996.


   L. Case porous carbon catalyst coated with palladium というのは、太田君が静岡にいるときに試みた Graphiteを使う実験と同じ方向ですが、Pdcoating (electrolytically?)したところが味噌でしょう。多分、非常に広い表面にPdの表面層ができる筈です。


2) BockrisによるTNCFモデルの紹介

SSE(Society of Scientific Exploration 18 (1999)BockrisTNCFモデルを紹介してくれたという記事もあります。


“Our distinguished and amiable chairperson was John Bockris [ ], who mentioned that Hideo Kozima is publishing a 350-page book, reviewing the field in the light of his trapped cold neutron theory [ ].”


“Dear Dr. Kozima:

Thank you for the pre-copy of your article on my work of 1989.

It is very fine. Thank you again.


John O'M. Bockris”

彼の1992年の論文の解析は終り、論文を書いて彼にmanuscriptを送りましたが、まだ返事はきていません。彼の1996年にでたNTの論文(Infinite Energy#5&6)をヤマハの山本さんにコピーしてもらい、これから解析するところです。


Cold Fusion Research Laboratory

Yatsu 597-16, Shizuoka 421-1202, Japan

Professor Emeritus at Shizuoka University and

Senior Consultant Member and Director of JCF (Japan CF-research Society)

Dr. Hideo Kozima


Tel/Fax +81-54-278-0327