CFRL English News No. 65       (2006. 8. 6)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   CFP (Cold Fusion Phenomenon) stands for “nuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.”


   This is the CFRL News (in English) No. 65 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory, Shizuoka, Japan.

This issue contains following items:


1. H.Kozima, ”The Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon” (Elsevier, 2006)

2. ICCF13 in Russia


1.     H. Kozima, ”The Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon” (Elsevier, 2006) was published

This book has been published by the Elsevier last July.

Outlines of the book are posted on the following pages of CFRL website: 

The following web page of the Elsevier gives information about the book, too: 


In 1989, the discovery of the so-called “cold fusion” was announced in a somewhat peculiar manner for a scientific paper, due to its expected hopeful application as an energy source. Appearance of new phases of the phenomenon, far out of range of the concepts of “cold fusion” has not been seriously accepted, either by both proponents or by critics. Seventeen years have elapsed without remarkable progress in understanding of the phenomenon, despite the accumulation of various experimental data sets from nuclear transmutations, neutron emission, and tritium generation, and excess heat production, all of which are inexplicable without the occurrence of nuclear reactions in solids.

The physics and chemistry of the cold fusion phenomenon are too complicated to be understood straightforwardly, as presupposed by researchers and critics. The author uses an orthodox method to explain the cold fusion phenomenon, namely a phenomenological approach, models with parameters, and then a quantum mechanical explanation of parameters used in the models, have been engaged in this investigation of the science of this complex phenomenon.

The result introduced in this book presents a preliminary view of the new science of the cold fusion phenomenon, where neutrons in solids seem to be a key element in an interdisciplinary region of the traditional solid-state physics, nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry.


2. Information about the ICCF13 in Russia

After the ICCF12 in Yokohama, Japan, we have not received any information about ICCF13 in Russia that was announced at the Closing Session of ICCF12, last year. Through private communication with Dr. Y. Bazhutov, I have had following private information about ICCF13 which should be confirmed by an official announcement from the Organizing Committee of ICCF13 expected to be sent in couples of months.

TimeJune, 2007

PlaceDagomys near Sochi on the bank of Black Sea

Dagomys is the place where the Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements has been held annually for more than ten years.