CFRL English News No. 63       (2005. 12. 10)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   CFP (Cold Fusion Phenomenon) stands for gnuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.h


   This is the CFRL News (in English) No. 63 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory, Shizuoka, Japan.

This issue contains following items:


1. H. Kozima, gScience of eCold Fusionf – Reality of the Phenomenon and Explanation of its Mechanismh (Kogakusha, Tokyo, 2005) (in Japanese) was published.

2. H. Kozima, gScience of Cold Fusion Phenomenonh (tentative title) will be published by Elsevier, London.

3. ICCF12 was held on November 27 – December 2, 2005 in Yokohama, Japan.

4. JCF7 will be held on April 27 - 28, 2006 in Kagoshima, Japan.


1. H. Kozima, gScience of eCold Fusionf – Reality of the Phenomenon and Explanation of its Mechanismh (Kogakusha, Tokyo, 2005) (in Japanese) was published.

As predicted in the previous News No. 62, the book in Japanese (the title written above in the title of this article) was published last August from Kogakusha, Tokyo, Japan with the ISBN number ISBN4-7775-1153-7. This is a booklet with 175 pages with 15 figures and 2 tables are intended to show the real image of the cold fusion phenomenon, which is sometimes misunderstood and ignored by scientists in established fields of science, to general readers putting the weight of the description on the experimental facts.

The cover and contents of the book are reproduced on the following page;@

Corrigenda for several misprints escaped proofreading is posted on the following page;@


2. H. Kozima, Science of Cold Fusion Phenomenon (tentative title) will be published by Elsevier, London.

The booklet introduced in the preceding article in Japanese is a book for general readers without rigorous logics in presentation of theoretical results. To appeal reality of the cold fusion phenomenon (CFP) to scientists in the established fields of science, I have tried to publish an extensive treatment of this phenomenon based on abundant experimental facts as a whole and on theoretical trials to explain them as consistently as possible.

Fortunately, the publisher Elsevier, London understood the necessity of such a book and accepted my proposal to publish a new book, which was recommended by a few researchers in this field to whom I am greatly appreciate their support to this book for promotion of CF research.

The book will be published in the next year. I hope that this book will clearly show reality of the cold fusion phenomenon to scientists outside of our field and resolve their misunderstanding of CFP implanted in the beginning of the CF research and lasted as long as 16 years after its discovery.


3DICCF12 was held on November 27 – December 2, 2005 in Yokohama, Japan.

ICCF12 was held as above in Yokohama with participants about 80, oral presentation about 36 and poster presentation about 23. The abstracts of this Conference (including those of cancelled ones of about 13) is posted The New Energy Times website:@


‚SDJCF7 will be held on April 27 - 28, 2006 in Kagoshima, Japan.

JCF7 will be held in Kagoshima University next year as posted in JCF website in Japanese:@

Date: April 27 – 28, 2006.

Place: Inamori Memorial Hall, Kagoshima University.
Registration and Abstract submission must be done by April 10, 2006.
Registration fee: 5,000 yen.

Reception fee: About 5,000 yen.