CFRL English News No. 62       (2005. 8. 10)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   CFP (Cold Fusion Phenomenon) stands for gnuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.h


   This is the CFRL News (in English) No. 62 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory, Shizuoka, Japan.

This issue contains following items:


1. J. New Energy Vol.7, No.1 was published.

2. H. Kozima, J. Warner and C. Salas Cano and J. Dash, gTNCF Model Explanation of Cold Fusion Phenomenon in Surface layers of Cathodes in Electrolytic Experimentsh J. New Energy 7-1, 64 – 78 (2003) was printed finally.

3. H. Kozima, gScience of the Cold Fusion Phenomenonh (in Japanese) is going to be published this month.


1. J. New Energy Vol.7, No.1 was published.

Dr. Hal Fox, editor of The Journal of New Energy, published Vol. 7, No. 1 of this Journal with papers presented at INE Symposium 2002 held in Salt Lake City. The contents of the Journal is posted at CFRL website next to CFRL News No.62.


2. H. Kozima, J. Warner and C. Salas Cano and J. Dash, gTNCF Model Explanation of Cold Fusion Phenomenon in Surface Layers of Cathodes in Electrolytic Experimentsh J. New Energy 7-1, 64 – 78 (2003) was printed finally.

In this paper, we analyzed various experimental data of J. Dash and his collaborators obtained in several years and given their consistent explanation by TNCF (Trapped Neutron Catalyzed Fusion) model. This paper is posted at CFRL website next to CFRL News No.62.


3. H. Kozima, gScience of the Cold Fusion Phenomenonh (in Japanese) is going to be published by Kogakusha Publishing Co. Ltd, this month.

Eight years after the publication of my book gDiscovery of Cold Fusionh (in Japanese) in 1997 and gDiscovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenonh next year, a new book is going to be published with a title gScience of the Cold Fusion Phenomenonh (in Japanese) from Kogakusha Publishing, Tokyo.

In this book, I used more sufficient experimental data in this field, especially of nuclear transmutations, obtained in these eight years and also quantum mechanical treatments of wave functions of hydrogen isotopes in transition metals in analyses of the Premises used in the TNCF model to give unified interpretation of the cold fusion phenomenon (CFP). Especially emphasized are two laws of CFP, the gstability effecth in the cold fusion phenomenon and the ginverse-power lawh of excess-heat generation that suggest clearly complexity of CFP.

The readers of the book are assumed to be general people but scientists and technicians will also get useful information about CFP independent of Fleischmannfs hypothesis (the environment of transition- metal deuterides makes fusions of two deuterons realistic increasing their probabilities by a factor of several tens of order of magnitude.) from this book.

The author is planning to write English book of similar character but for more specialized reader with enough scientific background.