CFRL English News No. 58        (2004. 10. 20)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   CFP (Cold Fusion Phenomenon) stands for gnuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.h


   This is the CFRL News (in English) No. 58 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory, Shizuoka, Japan.

This issue contains following items:

1.    H. Kozima, gCold Fusion Phenomenon and Solid State-Nuclear Physicsh will be presented at ICCF11.

2. Cold Fusion PhenomenoniCFPj and Fleischmannfs Hypothesis

3. S. B. Krivit@and N. Winocur, gThe Rebirth of  Cold Fusion Real Science, Real Hope, Real Energyh was published.



1.   H. Kozima, gCold Fusion Phenomenon and Solid State-Nuclear Physicsh will be presented at ICCF11.

Research works of cold fusion phenomenon (CFP) is, as surveyed in the next article, apt to direct to application before its science is established, even if technology overtook science in our history as steam engine illustrate it. In CFP, specific topic was, sometimes, closed up and its explanation was given neglecting due intimate connection with other knowledge of related fields of science. I have tried to explore science of the cold fusion phenomenon reconciling with knowledge of related fields. Following is the abstract of my paper to be presented at ICCF11, full paper of this presentation will be published in Proceedings of this Conference next year.


Abstract of the paper gCold Fusion Phenomenon and Solid State-Nuclear Physicsh by Hideo Kozima to be presented at ICCF11, November, 2004.

Since the discovery of the cold fusion phenomenon (CFP) in 1989, it has been steadily developed researches of science of CFP experimentally and theoretically revealing its complex nature; sporadic occurrence of various events including nuclear transmutations (NT) of elements with large mass numbers in compound systems under ambient radiations with qualitative reproducibility. Such typical characteristics of CFP as occurrence of CFP only in fcc (and hcp) transition metal alloys with hydrogen isotopes but not in bcc alloys, the stability effect in NT (H. Kozima, Proc. ICCF10), helium production only in electrolytic systems with lithium electrolyte in heavy water, optimum combinations of [cathode-electrolyte-hydrogen isotope], etc. are investigated quantum mechanically in this work.

It is shown that quantum mechanical states of hydrogen isotopes in transition metals worked out in the physics of transition-metal hydrides have a close relation with appearance of CFP; H in Ni and D in Pd in favor of CFP are related with wave functions of protons (deuterons) in these metalsDQuantum-mechanical calculation of the interaction between occluded protons (deuterons) at interstitial sites and neutrons in nuclei at lattice points (lattice nuclei) [1] has shown that neutrons in different lattice nuclei interact strongly each other through the gsuper-nuclear interactionh mediated by occluded protons (deuterons). Neutrons in excited states with rather extended wave functions are favorable for this interaction. This super-nuclear interaction between neutrons in different lattice nuclei makes possible appearance of neutron bands at around zero-level of energy (the neutron evaporation energy of the lattice nuclei), which induces accumulation of neutrons at surface/boundary layers and formation of cf-matter there. Neutron drops in the so-realized cf-matter induce nuclear reactions in the region observed as CFP very different from those reactions in free space investigated in nuclear physics, hitherto.

[1] H. Kozima, gQuantum Physics of Cold Fusion Phenomenonh Developments in Quantum Physics Researches pp. 167-196, ed. V. Krasnoholovets, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004.


QDCold Fusion Phenomenon (CFP) and Fleischmannfs Hypothesis

As is well known, the cold fusion phenomenon was discovered by Fleischmann and Pons in 1898 and announced by them prior to the publication of the paper.[1] According to Fleischmannfs recollection,[2] his motivation of this work was expectation of high probability d-d fusion in transition metal deuterides, e.g. PdD, due to lattice effects of the material. It is possible to call his anticipation as gFleischmannfs hypothesis.h

The history of CFP research in these 15 years much suffered from Fleischmannfs hypothesis, right or wrong. This hypothesis predicts production of huge amount of energy depending only on the abundant deuterium in water with relatively small and cheap facilities. This made CFP research strongly application oriented. Researchers in the early stages and critics against them sometimes influenced too strongly by this anticipation. There remains its influence in some researches making them deflecting from scientific main road. It is true that development of practical machines is possible without understanding of principles of phenomena as the case of steam engine illustrate and efforts to realize practical machines should be esteemed high. On the other hand, it is necessary to search theoretical framework to explain the phenomena based on the existing principles of science.

From my point of view, present status of CFP research is described as follows:

(1) Experimentally, (1-a) various events (or phenomena) not expected directly from the Fleischmannfs hypothesis have been observed rather often. Among them, the nuclear transmutation producing many elements with large mass numbers are outstanding. (1-b) The reproducibility of events, controversial from the beginning, should be a result inevitable to complex, chaotic systems where CFP occurs. It will make clear a characteristic of CFP if we use a concept gqualitative reproducibilityh to express this property. (1-c) Some products (e.g. He) are observed in some system with specific substance (e.g. Li) revealing special roles of the latter. Examples of these combinations are shown in Figs. 11.2 and 11.3 of my book.[3] (1-d) Necessary and sufficient conditions for CFP are not determined yet. (1-e) It is necessary to care much about relations of physical properties of transition-metal hydrides and deuterides and CFP. Some trials in this direction are presented in the recent paper of mine.[4] Following experimental facts should be intimately connected with physics of CFP; (1-f) Combinations of metal and hydrogen isotope, e.g. Ni-H and Pd-D, are preferable for CFP. (1-g) Products of CFP, especially transmuted nuclei, are localized in the surface area of the solid samples.

(2) Theoretically; (2-a) We have to seriously correspond to critiques from such scientists in different branches as Leggett and Baym[5] and Ichimaru[6]. (2-b) Construct theoretical framework to explain whole experimental facts such as summarized above base on principles of physics. (2-c) Communicate with scientists in other related branches. To make CFP research sound and prosperous, it is absolutely necessary to perform investigation in the way recognized in wide scientific world even if they are too rigorous to stick fast to the rules in the established science.



[1] M. Fleischmann, S. Pons and M. Hawkins, "Electrochemically induced Nuclear Fusion of Deuterium", J. Electroanal. Chem. 261, 301 (1989).

[2] M. Fleischmann, "Cold Fusion: Past, Present and Future", The Best Ever! (Proc. ICCF7), p.119 (April 20 - 23, 1998, Vancouver, Canada), ENECO Inc. Utah, USA, 1998. The abstract of this paper is reproduced in our CFRL website on the following page:

[3] H. Kozima, Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon Evolution of the Solid State - Nuclear Physics and the Energy Crisis in 21st Century, Ohtake Shuppan KK. Tokyo, Japan, 1998.

[4] H. Kozima, Quantum Physics of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon, in Developments in Quantum Physics – 2004, V. Krasnoholovets, ed. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2005.

[5] A.J. Leggett and G. Baym, "Exact Upper Bound on Barrier Penetration Probabilities in Many-Body Systems: Application to 'Cold Fusion"', Phys. Rev. Letters, 63, pp. 191-194 (1989).

[6] S. Ichimaru, "Nuclear Fusion in Dense Plasmas", Rev. Mod. Phys., 65, 255-299 (1993).


3. B. Krivit@and N. Winocur, gThe Rebirth of Cold Fusion Real Science, Real Hope, Real Energyh Pacific Oaks Press, Los _Angels, CA, 2004 was published

The short note The Cold Fusion Report by S.B. Krivit and N. Winocur introduced in CFRL News No.56 was enlarged and emerged as the above book. (c.f. )

Contents of this book is posted in CFRL website:

In this book, authors explain present status of CFP research with many selected experimental data sets mainly from an optimistic point of view for its application. The description is plain and easy to read.

From scientistfs eyes, it was desirable to evaluate experimental and theoretical works more severely. It was also unfortunate for the authors not noticed my papers [1] and books [2] that would make their scientific perspective more wide and appropriate.

Anyway, this book is profitable for the cold fusion community.

[1] For example, H. Kozima, gCF-Matter and the Cold Fusion Phenomenonh Proc. ICCF10 (to be published).

[2] For example, H. Kozima, Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon Evolution of the Solid State - Nuclear Physics and the Energy Crisis in 21st Century, Ohtake Shuppan KK. Tokyo, Japan, 1998.