CFRL English News No. 55             (2004. 3. 20)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan) Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   CFP (Cold Fusion Phenomenon) stands for gnuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes (H and/or D) in ambient radiation.h


   This is the CFRL News (in English) No. 55 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at the Cold Fusion Research Laboratory, Shizuoka, Japan.

This issue contains following item:

1. Three papers were published in Reports of CFRL.

2. ICCF11 will be held October 31-Nov. 5 in Marseilles, France.



1. Three papers were published in Reports of CFRL.

Three papers are published n Reports of CFRL Vol.1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and posted at the CFRL website:

Their titles, authors and abstracts are copied below.


i‚PjhAnalysis of Nuclear Transmutation and Excess Heat Generation in Pd/D/Li Systems by TNCF Modelh Reports of CFRL, 1-2, 1 (2004)

H. Kozima, K. Arai1, M. Ohta2, M. Fujii3 and H. Kudoh3


Excess heat and NT data (especially Ti generation) obtained in Pd cathodes with heavy water and LiOD obtained by Iwamura et al. were analyzed on the TNCF model. Production of the observed new element Ti was explained by nuclear fission of compound nuclei formed by n + A46Pd reaction. The adjustable parameter nn in the model was determined by the data of NT as  1010 1011 cm|3 consistent with values determined in other experimental situations. The data of the excess heat and NT were explained quantitatively and consistently in a factor of 2.


i‚QjhAnalysis of Nuclear Transmutation in Micro-craters and Excess Heat Data in W/H/Na(K) Systemsh Reports of CFRL, 1-3, 1 (2004)

H. Kozima, M. Fujii1, K. Arai2, H. Kudoh1 and K. Yoshimoto3


Excess heat and NT data obtained in tungsten cathode with light water and an electrolyte Na2SO4 or K2CO3 obtained by Ohmori et al. were analyzed on the TNCF model. Production of the new elements Fe and Cr in the micro-crater observed by them were explained by nuclear fission of compound nuclei A+174W* formed by n + A74W reaction. Using the products density at boundary of the crater as those over whole surface, the adjustable parameter nn the model was determined by the data of NT as 1.5~1014 cm|3 somewhat (2 orders of magnitude) larger than values determined in other experimental situations assuming the factor in the model ƒÌ = 1. The data of the excess heat and NT were explained quantitatively and consistently in a factor of 2. Formation of the micro-crater was explained by the model showing the factor ƒÌ should be as large as 105 by observed crater's size. It is probable to occur nuclear reactions in metal hydrides and deuterides used in other applications in the optimum condition.


i‚RjhTNCF Analysis of Tritium Evolution from PdDxgReports of CFRL, 1-4, 1 (2004)

H. Kozima, H. Kudoh1, M. Ohta2 and K. Kaki3


Three kinds of Pd cathodes were used in the D2 gas discharge experiments where measured tritium in the gas. The experimental results were analyzed with the TNCF model and the adjustable parameter in the model\the density of the trapped thermal neutron\was determined as nn = 8~1012  cm|3. The value is compared consistently with the value determined in a similar experiment.


2. ICCF11 will be held October 31-Nov. 5 in Marseilles, France.

Announcement of ICCF11 arrived from Dr. Jean Paul Biberian, Chairman of the Conference as follows:

Dear colleague,
It is my pleasure to announce you that ICCF11, the 11th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science will he held in Marseilles, France from October 31 till November 5, 2004.

Registrations are open at :

Some highlights of the conference:
In addition to the usual format of this type of conferences we will have:
1- An open session at the University of Marseilles, with demonstrations
2- A special evening session where we will discuss with economists, philosophers, journalists and scientists, the consequences of the application of "Cold Fusion" in our day to day life, but also the geopolitical and economical changes that might occur.
3- The week long meeting will end with a press conference.

I hope to see you in Marseilles

Jean Paul Biberian

PS: note my new email address (only slightly different):