CFRL English News No. 35 (2002. 5. 10)

Cold Fusion Research Laboratory (Japan)  Dr. Hideo Kozima, Director

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   This is the Early Edition of the CFRL News (in English) No. 35 for Cold Fusion researchers published by Dr. H. Kozima, now at Physics Department and the Low Energy Nuclear Laboratory, Portland State University.

This issue contains following items.

1) Papers to be presented at ICCF9 from PSU

2) Course Evaluation of “Solid State-Nuclear Physics”

3) International Journal of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions established.

4) Navy Laboratory Technical Report No.1862

“Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System,”

by S. Szpak and P.A. Mosier-Boss,

5) 9th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements (September/October, 2001)


1. Papers to be presented at ICCF9 from Low Energy Nuclear Laboratory, Portland State University (PSU)

   At ICCF9, Peking, following papers will be presented from Low Energy Nuclear Laboratory, Portland State University.


1) J. Dash, I. Savvatimova, S. Frantz, and F. Weis, “Effects of Glow Discharge with Hydrogen Isotope Plasmas on Radioactivity of Uranium


Uranium foils were attached to the cathode of a glow discharge apparatus. A plasma of either hydrogen or deuterium ions was used to bombard the uranium. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation were significantly greater for the bombarded uranium than for the original material.


2) J. Warner, J. Dash and S. Frantz, “Electrolysis D2O with Titanium Cathodes: Enhancement of Excess Heat and Further Evidence of Possible Transmutation


Two calorimeter systems, an eight-cell, small cathode system, and a single cell Seebeck Envelope Calorimeter (SEC) system with a much larger cathode, are used in this research. These systems measure the thermal power output of electrolytic cells containing Pt anodes and Ti cathodes in D2O-H2SO4 electrolyte. The Ti cathodes in the eight-cell experiments typically have surface area of about 23 mm2, perimeter of about 10 mm, and current density of about 2 A/cm2. For those cells that showed excess power, the average excess power generation was 232 +/– 20 mW, which represents an increase of about 13% over the power input (or 113% power out/power in). Excess power output increased with increased current density. The highest power output observed was 125% of the power input. An effort was made to increase excess power by increasing the size of the cathode to about 400 mm2 in the SEC experiments. The magnitude of the excess power did not increase as the cathode size was increased.  Smaller cathodes have larger perimeter/area ratios than the larger cathodes do. In an attempt to understand this lack of increased output with increased area, we then investigated the relationship between the perimeter/area ratio of the cathode and excess heat output over a series of 28 SEC experiments. 


3) H. Kozima, “Excited State of Neutrons in a Nucleus and Cold Fusion Phenomenon in Transition-Metal Hydrides and Deuterides


The interaction between a neutron in a nucleus at a lattice point (in a lattice nucleus) and another neutron in a different lattice nucleus mediated by a proton (or deuteron) at an interstitial site is formulated. The interaction between neutrons through the interstitial protons (or deuterons) could be called the super-nuclear interaction for its long-range nature even if the strength may be extremely small compared with neutron-neutron interaction by the nuclear force in a nucleus. If the neutrons are in an excited state of the nucleus with a wave function with larger orbits than that of the ground state, the interaction becomes considerable to make the excited states form a rather wide band (neutron valence band) similar to valence bands of electrons in semiconductors. Possible influences of the super-nuclear interaction on the nuclear reactions in solids are discussed.


4) H. Kozima, J. Warner, C. Salas Cano and J. Dash, “Consistent Explanation of Topography Change and Nuclear Transmutation in Surface Layers of Cathodes in Electrolytic Cold Fusion Experiments


Nuclear transmutations (NT's) and exotic surface topography observed in the surface layers of cathodes in electrolytic experiments by J. Dash et al. over the last ten years have been analyzed using the TNCF model. Surface topographies of the cathodes showed characteristic fine structures where the results of nuclear transmutation (NT) were detected. Nuclear transmutations, characterized by their locality, are accompanied by excess heat generation, which suggests a nuclear origin. The products of nuclear transmutation are explained either by decay of excited cathode element nuclei to form an element of higher mass number than the original (nuclear transmutation by decay, or NT_{D}) or by fission of these nuclei (nuclear transmutation by fission, or NT_{F}).

The model was successfully used to analyze two cases of quantitative changes of isotope ratios in Ti and Pd cathodes and the surface topography change. The result shows that semi-quantitative explanation of the experimental data sets as a whole is possible with reasonable values of the adjustable parameter in the model:[4 – 6]

nn = 1.27 X 10^{13} cm^{-3} (Ti),

nn = 4 X 10^{13} cm^{-3}  (Pd),

For the characteristic surface topography with pits and craters of diameters about 1 micron, a possible semi-quantitative explanation is given by explosions of tiny regions (hot spots) heated locally by nuclear reactions in the region with the parameter given above.


5) H. Kozima, “An Explanation of Data Sets obtained by McKubre et al. (Excess Heat), Clarke (Null Results of 4He and 3He) and Clarke et al. (Tritium) with “Arata Cell


Interesting experimental data sets obtained by several research groups using the Arata-style cathodes are investigated by the TNCF model giving a consistent and semi-quantitative explanation for the excess heat and 4He generation outside the cathode and tritium detection in the cathode


2. Course Evaluation of “Solid State-Nuclear Physics”

   The course “Solid State-Nuclear Physics" in the Winter term, 2002 finished successfully. Three students including one undergraduate senior finally got credit. Their course evaluations were sent me from Physics Office. Following is the whole page of the report.

Physics Evaluation

Title: PH 410/510

Instructor: Kozima

CRN: 44519

Term: 200201


Best Features

0 It's pioneering nature!

0The best feature of this course is that we have the opportunity to study cold fusion from one of the leading researchers in the field.

0 It was an interesting subject 1 knew little about.


0 It's pioneering nature!

0 No shortcomings.

0 Language barrier

Further Comments

* Very good class. Excellent examples and well designed homework assignments. Instructor wrote the text book‑well written. This was my favorite class this quarter because 1 had the opportunity to study the cold fusion phenomenon, which is still a very debatable subject in Modern Physics. It is exciting to learn how a new science, as it is being developed. This was an excellent course and unique in the physics curriculum.

0 I enjoyed this class very much.



3. International Journal of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions established.

   A new electronic journal will be published by Jean Paul Biberian recently.

The website of the Journal is

   It is a good news to have a Journal we can submit cold fusion papers without any restriction for the content. It is, however, necessary to point out several problems on this Journal. First, it seems that the editorial principle of the Journal is not presented yet as far as I looked into the Website.

Second, the name Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) is somewhat ambiguous to specify the repertoire of the supposed Journal’s coverage; LENR is sometimes used in the conventional nuclear physics to express a field of research of nuclear reactions among nuclei in free space with energies up to about 10 MeV: the field was explored by 1939 before the post-war development of accelerators which made higher energies available and processes involving multiple emission of particles were then more frequently observed.. The cold fusion phenomenon (CFP) or nuclear reactions and accompanying events occurring in solids with high densities of hydrogen isotopes in ambient radiation, on the other hand, is not identical with and includes different factors from LENR in its characteristics.

Third, the referee system (“the papers published are peer reviewed by at least two referees”) of the Journal might go easy without the Editorial Principle in such a field as CFP without an established fundamental framework.

Anyway, we hope the Journal give benefits for researchers in CFP.



4. Technical Report No.1862 (Navy Laboratory, USA), S. Szpak and P.A. Mosier-Boss, ed., “Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System,”


The Technical Report No. 1862 of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego, California, USA was published. In this Report, there is an excellent Foreword by F.E. Gordon, the Head, Navigation and Applied Sciences Department. (Foreword to Volume 1 by Frank E. Gordon is posted in Website

in Essays of Cold Fusion Researchers)


We include here only the Vol. 1: Contents, Foreword and the Appendix, and Vol. 2: Foreword and Contents.

This paper is possible to read in the following Website;

  We hope to have a chance to discuss the experimental data included in this Technical Report as soon as possible.


Volume 1: A Decade of Research at Navy Laboratories



  By S. Szpak and P. A. Mosier‑Boss


  By S. Szpak and P. A. Mosier‑Boss


  By Melvin H. Miles


  Part 1: Development of Diagnostic Criteria ..............  31

  Part II: Application of Diagnostic Criteria ......... ....... 51

By S. Szpak, P‑ A. Mosier‑Buss, M. H. Miles, M. A. Imam and M. Fleischmann


  By Scott Chubb







This listing is limited to the contributions from the U.S. Navy Laboratories. It contains publications, theoretical and experimental, covering topics directed toward better understanding of the Fleischmann‑Pons effect and reflecting scientific interests of their authors.


A. Contributions from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego, San Diego, CA 92152‑5001 (formerly: Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, RDT&E Div., San Diego, CA)

A1. Journal publications

A1-1. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier Boss and J. J. Smith, On the behavior of Pd deposited in the presence of evolving deuterium, J. Electroanal. Chem., 302, 255 (1991)

A1-2. S. Szpak, C. J. Gabriel, JJ. Smith and R.J. Nowak, Electrochemical charging of Pd rods, J. Electroanal. Chem., 309, 273 (1991)

A1-3. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, S. R. Scharber and JJ. Smith, Charging of the Pd/nH system: role of the interphase, J. Electroanal. Chem., 337, 147 (1992)

A1-4. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, C. J. Gabriel and JJ. Smith, Absorption of deuterium in palladium rods: model vs. experiment, J. Electroanal. Chem., 365, 275 (1994)

A1-5, S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, R. D. Boss and J. J. Smith, Comments on the analysis of tritium content in electrochemical cells, J. Electroanal. Chem., 373, 1 (1994)

A1-6. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss and J.J. Smith, Deuterium uptake during Pd‑D co-deposition, J, Electroanal. Chem., 379, 121 (1994)

A1-7. S‑ Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, S. P. Scharber and JJ. Smith, Cyclic voltametry of Pd + D co-deposition, J. Electroanal. Chem., 380,1 (1995)

A1-8. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss and J. J. Smith, On the behavior of the cathodically polarized Pd/D system: Search for the emanating radiation, Physics Letters A, 210, 382 (1996)

A1-9. S. Szpak and P. A. Mosier‑Boss, On the behavior of the cathodically polarized Pd/D system: a response to Vigier's comments, Physics Letters A, 221, 141 (1996)

A1-10. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, R‑D. Boss and J.J. Smith, On the behavior of the Pd/D system: Evidence for tritium production, Fusion Technology, 33, 38 (1998)

A1-11. S. Szpak and P. A. Mosier‑Boss, On the release of n1H from cathodically polarized palladium electrodes, Fusion Technology, 34, 273 (1998)

A1-12. P. A, Mosier‑Boss and S. Szpak, The Pd/nH system: Transport processes and development of instabilities, I1 Nuovo Cimento, 112 A, 577 (1999)

A2. Proceedings of ICCF

A2-1. S. Szpak, P, A. Mosier‑Boss and J. J. Smith, Reliable procedure for the initiation of the Fleischmann‑Pons effect, Proc. ICCF ‑ 2 (1991)

A2-2. S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier‑Boss, Comments on the Methodology of Excess Tritium Determination, Proc. ICCF ‑ 3 (1992)


B. Contributions from the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, CA

B1. Journal publications

B1-1. M.H. Miles and R.E. Miles, Theoretical Neutron Flux Levels, Dose Rates, and Metal Foil Activation, .J. Electroanal. Chem., 295, 409 (1990)

B1-2. M.H. Miles, K.H. Park and D.E. Stilwell, Electrochemical Calorimetric Evidence for Cold Fusion ill the Palladium‑Deuterium System, J. Electroanal. Chem., 296,409 (1990)

B1-3. B.P. Bush, J.J. Lagowski, M.H. Miles and G.S. Ostrom, Helium Production During the Electrolysis of D20 ill Cold Fusion Experiments, J. Electroanal. Chem., 304, 271 (1991)

B1-4. M.H Miles, R.A. Hollins, B.F. Bush, J. J. Lagowski and B.E. Miles, Correlation of Excess Enthalpy and Helium Production During D2O and H2O Electrolysis, J. Electroanal. Chem., 346, 99 (1993)

B1-5. M.H. Miles, B.F. Bush and D.E. Stilwell, Calorimetric Principles and Problems in Measurements of Excess Power During Pd‑D2O Electrolysis, 98, 1948 (1994)

B1-6. M.H. Miles, B.F. Bush and J.J. Lagowski, Anomalous Effects Involving Excess Power, Radiation and Helium Production Using Palladium Cathodes, Fusion Technology, 25, 478 (1994)

B1-7. M.H. Miles and B.F. Bush, Heat and Helium Measurements in Deuterated Palladium, Trans. Fusion Technology 26, 156 (1994)

B1-8. M.H. Miles, Reply to "Examination of Claims of Miles et al. in Pons­-Fleischmann Type. Cold Fusion Experiments, J. Phys. Chem. B 102,3642 (1998)

B1-9. M.H‑ Miles, Calorimetric Studies of Pd/D2O + LiOD Electrolysis Cells, J. Electroanal.. Chem., 482, 56 (2000)

B1-10. M.H. Miles and K.B. Johnson, Electrochemical Insertion of Hydrogen into Metals and Alloys, J. New Energy, (in press)

B2. Proceedings of ICCF

B2-1. M.H. Miles, K.H. Park and D.E. Stilwell, Electrochemical Calorimetric Studies of the Cold Fusion Effect, Proc. ICCF- 1 (1990)

B2-2. M.H. Miles, G.S. Ostrom, B.F. Bush and J.J. Lagowski, Heat and Helium Production in Cold Fusion Experiments, Proc. ICCF – 2 (1991)

B2-3, M.H. Miles and B.F. Bush, Search for Anomalous Effects Involving Excess Power, Helium and Tritium During D20 Electrolyses Using Palladium Cathodes, Proc. ICCF ‑ 3 (1993)

B2-4. M.H. Miles and B.F‑ Bush, Calorimetric Principles and Problems in D2O Electrolysis, Proc. ICCF‑3 (1993)

B2-5. M.H. Miles, The Extraction of Information from an Integrating Open Calorimeter in Fleischmann‑Pons Effect Experiments, Proc. ICCF‑ 5 (1995)

B2-6. M.H. Miles and B.F. Bush, Radiation Measurements at China Lake: Real ODR Artifacts, Proc. ICCF ‑ 7 (1998)

B2-7. M.H. Miles, Calorimetric Studies of Palladium Cathodes Using Fleischmann­-Pons Dewar Type Cells, Proc. ICCF ‑ 8 (2000)


C. Contributions from the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC.

C1. Journal publications

C1-1. T.A. Chubb and S.R. Chubb, Bloch‑Sym metric Fusion in PdD, Fusion Technology, 17, 710 (1990)

C1-2. T.A. Chubb and S.R. Chubb, Cold Fusion as an Interaction between Ion Band States, Fusion Technology, 20, 93 (1991)

C1-3. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Ion Band State Fusion: Reactions, Power Density and the Quantum Reality Question, Fusion Technology, 24, 403 (1993)

C1-4. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, The Role of Hydrogen Ion Band States in Cold Fusion, Fusion Technology  26, 414 (1994)

C1-5. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Theoretical Framework for Anomalous Heat without High Energy Particles from Deuteron Fusion in Deuterium‑Transition Metal Systems, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 83,362 (2000)

C1-6. S.R. Chubb, Review of "Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed", Fusion Technology, 39,288 (2001)

C1-7. P.L. Hagans, D.D. Dominguez and M-A. Imam, Surface Composition of Pd Cathodes, Progress in New Hydrogen Energy, vol. 1 p. 249 (1996)

C2. Proceedings of ICCF

C2-1. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Quantum Mechanics of "Cold" and "Not‑So­ Cold" Fusion, Proc. ICCF‑1, 119 (1990)

C2-2. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, An Explanation of Cold Fusion and Cold Fusion By‑Products, Based oil Lattice‑Induced Nuclear Chemistry, Proc. ICCF‑2 (1991)

C2-3. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Ion Band State Fusion, Proc. ICCF ‑ 3 (1992)

C2-4. T. A. Chubb and S.R. Chubb, The Ion Band State Theory, Proc. ICCF – 5 (1995)

C2-5. S.R. Chubb and T. A. Chubb, Hidden Results of the. Ion Band State Theory Proc. ICCF ‑ 6 (1996)

C2-6. T.A. Chubb and S.R. Chubb, Radiationless Cold Fusion: Why Small Crystals are. Better, Ncell Requirement and Energy Transfer to Lattice, Proc. ICCF ‑6 (1996)

C2-7. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Periodic Order, Symmetry and Coherence in Cold Fusion, Proc. ICCF ‑ 7 (1998)

C2-8. S.R. Chubb and T.A. Chubb, Really Cold, Cold Fusion, Proc. ICCF – 7 (1998)

C2-9. T.A. Chubb and S.R. Chubb, Deuteride Induced Strong Force Reactions, Proc. ICCF ‑ 7 (1998)


Volume 2: Simulation of the Electrochemical Cell (ICARUS) Calorimetry



The calorimetry of any electrochemical cell involves two type of activities: data collection and data evaluation. The required data are the cell potential‑time and cell temperature‑time series. The evaluation is based on conservation laws subject to constraints dictated by cell design and the adapted experimental procedure.

Volume. 2 of this report deals with the modelling and simulation of the Dewar‑type calorimeter. It was written by Professor Fleischmann to provide an authoritative discussion of the calorimetry of electrochemical cells. The emphasis is on the interpretation of data and the accuracy of the determination of the excess enthalpy generation via the appropriate selection of heat transfer coefficients. The discussion of the calorimetry of the Dewar‑type cells is presented in the form of technical report for a number of reasons, among them: (i) its length would likely prohibit publication in topical journals, (H) to clarify, misunderstandings regarding the principles of calorimetry as applied to electrochemical cell in general and to the cell employed by Fleischmann and his collaborators, in particular.

S. Szpak and P.A. Mosier‑Boss, eds.














TABLES   117



5. 9th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements (September/October, 2001)

   Program of the above Conference held in Dogamys near Soti was sent us from Y. Bazhutov recently.



Sunday, September 30

Arrival and registration of participants

10:00 ‑ 17:00

Welcome reception at the Conference hall

17:00 ‑ 19:00


Monday, October 1

Opening of the Conference, greetings


Session 1

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Bazhutov Yu. N

1). Romodanov V.A., Pokrovski A.K.

Hydrogen Isotopes and Thermal Plants

2). Romodanov V.A., Pokrovski AX,

Skuratnik Ya.B,

Tritium Registration in Metal‑Hydrogen


3). Skuratnik Ya.B. Pokrovski AX,

Possibility of Obtaining Superfluous Energy at Electrolytic Water Decomposition

4). Kuznetsov V.D.,: Myshinski GN.,Arbuzov V1, Zemennik V1

Test Experiments on Observation of the Effects of Cold Transmutation of Elements

Session 2

15:00 ‑ 17:00 Chair: Samsonenko N.V.

5). Bazhutov Yu N, Kozlov, Yu.V. Kumantseva, WA, Martemyanov, VY, Pletnikov, E.V., Sabeinikov, V.G., Tarasenkov, V.G., Turbin, E.V., Vyrodov V. N.

Preliminary Results of the Solar Erzion Monitoring on the "DOCH‑4A" telescope

6). Bazhutoy Yu.N. Analysis of Urutskoev

Experiment Results in Framework of Erzion Catalysis Model of Cold Nuclear Transmutation

7). Bazhutoy YuX

Erzion Interpretation of Kasagi Experiment

8). Serov V. I. et al.

The topic of the Report will be stated at the Conference


Tuesday, October 2

Session 3

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Romodanov V.A.

9). Karabut A.B.

Excess Heat Power, Nuclear Products and xRay Emission in Relation to the HighCurrent Glow Discharge Experimental Parameters

10). Velikodnyi V.Yu., Bitiurin V.A.

Cluster Synthesis of Light Nuclei D+D

11). Velikodnyi V.Yu., Elizarov V.A.

Experimental Investigation of the Work of the Vortical Heater

12). Urutscoey 1,1, Liksonov V1, Kalenski V.A., Ryabova R.V., Knitukov C.B.

Disclosure of "strange" Radiation at Electrical Blast of conductors in a Liquid

Session 4

15:00 ‑ 17:00 Chair: Goryachev I.V.

13). Dougar‑Jabon V.1), Kariaka V1, Samsonenko N.V.

A Search of Optimum Conditions stimulating Neutron Emission from Palladium‑Deuterium System at Transformation of a crystal Lattice

14). Kariaka V1, Resnikov D.V., Samsonenko N.V.

Experiment on Stimulation of Nuclear Reactions in Deuterated Pd‑Ni Alloy

15) Vysotski V1, Korniliva A.A., Samoylenko I.l., Zykov G.A.

Catalytic Effect of Cesium upon the Effectiveness of Nuclear Fusion with Participation of Intermediate Mass isotopes in Biological Systems

16). Rodionov B.U.

Hypothetical Producers of Cold Nuclear Transmutations in Hierarchy of Elementary Particles


Wednesday, October 3

Session 5

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Karabut A.B.

17). Koldimasov A.I.

Principles of Work of New Type Nuclear Reactor

18). Baranov D.S.

Investigation of the Radiation Effects in the Koldomasov Cell

19). Bychkov V.L.

New Results on Physics of Ball Lightning

20). Zelenski VY, Poliyashenko K.F.

Generation of isotope 18373Th during LiOH-D2O solution pulsed electrolysis in unit with palladium cathode and tungsten anode

Session 6

15:00 ‑ 17:00 Chair: Savvatimova I.B.

21). Fulvio Frisone

Cold Fusion Reaction within a Microcrack with CFC Lattice structure at Low Energy and Study of the Non Semi‑Classic Tunnelling Effect

22). Chemov I.P., Borisov V.P., Larinov V.V., Cherdantsev Yu,P., Lider AM, Garanin G.V., Nikolaev A.G.

Excess Heat in the Process of Electrolytical 1 Saturation of Palladium with hydrogen

23). Zikov E.D., Zikova T.N.

Discovery of the New State of Substance ‘superwater'

24). Soboley et al.

The topic of the Report will he stated at the Conference


Thursday, October 4

Session 7

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Baranov D.S.

25). Solin M.I.

Environmentally Safe Quantum Nuclear Reactor

26). Nosov V.N.

Basis for Selection of the Type of Acoustical Transducer for Conducting Investigations in Nuclear Physics

27). Nosov V.N.

Acoustical Transducer for Increasing Generation of Neutrons Working in Regime of Cavitation

28). Goryachcv IN.

The topic of the Report will be stated at the Conference

Session 8

15:00 ‑ 17:00 Chair: Serov V.1.

29). Savvatimova I.R.

Reduction of Radioactivity in Glow discharge is Possible or Not

30). Kozoderov V.V., Kuzmin RX, Kuleshov A.A.

Radioactivity of Flow Medium of the Earth

31). Grishin V.G., Davidov A.D.

Plasmadynamic Reactor for neutralization of Protons and Deuterons in Natural Water


Friday, October 5

Session 9

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Chernov LP.

32). Kholodov L.I.

Reasons about the Tracks in Urutskoev's Experiment

33). Roussetski A.S., Saunin E.I.

Observation of long‑range alpha‑particle emission from PuN12 structure

34). Karasev B.V.

Statistically Significant Deviation from Poisson Distribution During Radioactive Decay Measurement

35). Karasey B.V.

New results on fluctuations in Radioactive Decay. Fluctuations of Media (physical vacuum, ether, thermostat) as the Reasons of Deviations in Conduct of Systems of Particles from the Normal Functions of Distribution

Session 10

15:00 ‑ 17:00 Chair: Nosov V.N.

36). Lipson A.G., Kuznetsov V.A., Saunin E1

Separation of Isotopes at Electrochemical Loading I'd with Deuterium. About the Nature of "Savvatimova Effect”

37). Lipson A.G., Roussetski A.S., Miley 0.11, Castano C.H.

In‑Situ Long‑Range Alpha Particle detection in PdO/Pd/PdO Hetero-structure and Pd. Multi‑layer Thin Film Cathodes During and After Electrolysis

38). Lipson A.G., Miley G.H., Kuznetsov V.A., Saunin E.I.

Anomalous Neutron capture and Structural Changes in Non‑Equilibrium Condensed Matter in Presence of an Ultraweak Thermalized Neutron Field

39). Tsvetkov, Sergey A.

Opportunity of Use of Cold Nuclear Fusion for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste Products. (This article is added to the Program by the request of S.A. Tsvetkov who presented this paper at the Conference.)


Saturday, October 6

10:00 ‑ 12:00 Chair: Bazhutov Yu. N

Discussion of the participants of the Conference

Final resume of the Chairman



Sunday, October 7


Guest departures