[5] 付 録


Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon にたいする Dieter Britz の書評(抜粋)


Abstracts and review of:

 Hideo Kozima "Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon" and Tadahiko Mizuno, "Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion".

Copyright 1999, Dieter Britz.


I'll deviate from my practice these days of not posting updates here, as I used to do, and will post my latest updates of the Books file, having just read the two Japanese books below. Here are the abstracts that went into the file:

Kozima Hideo; "Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon". Subtitle: "Development of Solid Stat-Nuclear Physics and the Energy Crisis in the 21st Century". Ohtake Shuppan Inc., Tokyo, 1998. 370 pπSBN 4-87186-044-2 Translation and partial revision of the earlier Japanese book of the same title, Ohtake Shuppan Inc., Tokyo 1997.

** Kozima is associated in the cold fusion area with his TNCF (trapped neutron catalyzed fusion) theory, and this book focuses on the theory.  Kozima was one of the first to attempt a replication of the FPH paper, immediately he received a telefaxed preprint of the FPH89 and the Jones group's paper in 1989.

He was fortunate also to get results at the first attempt, in the form of neutrons. He soon realized that the process(es) are/were stochastic, and therefore difficult to repeat at will. The early history, starting with Paneth & Peters in 1926, is given, then moving on to Fleischmann and Pons and on from there. The major groups and their findings/claims are gone through, problem areas are identified, such as the "riddles of cold fusion", summarized succinctly at the end of chapter 9.

Then in chapter 11, TNCF is outlined and all the riddles treated with the theory.  A single parameter, the density of trapped neutrons in the reaction space, is required to Quantitatively account for a large number of observations. The neutrons come initially from cosmic infall, later from the reactions leading on from the initial reactions of neutrons with various species. There is at last a table of 53 cases, where TNCF explains observations reasonably well. Other proposed theories are then also described, critically. There are hundreds of references including close to 100 by the author himself.

Some additional remarks:

It is interesting (to me) to compare the two books. Kozima's is sharply focused, being a long outline of how his TNCF theory fits most of the observations, which are first listed in detail, followed by the problems (riddles) they throw up. These are then solved by the application of TNCF, all by the adjustment of a single parameter (different in the different cases).

Both books are very persuasive in their different ways. Kozima persuades by the seemingly universal applicability of TNCF; I did get a slight feeling of unease, however, whether I was perhaps being lulled into acceptance by the omission of problems with that. For example, TNCF does not explain how all those nuclear products, most of them highly energetic, get away without giving rise to a host of secondaries. Kozima acknowledges the problem and is working on it. One thing that gives one an "Aha!" is Kozima's suggestion of a reaction of neutrons with ^{6}Li; this immediately explains the sometime claim that CNF works in LiOD electrolyte, but not in NaOD. Kozima is not uncritical of others' work, although I wonder at his easy acceptance of Kervran's nonsense - which seems to have a long history going back to 1799, and that is another interesting aspect of Kozima's book. But he does appear to make a good case for his theory. 

  Kozima's book was done by the man himself and the English was checked later by someone else, I believe. There is a strong accent.  Oddly, this makes the text quite punchy in its rather informal way, not at all awkward to read.

We have been told often that the Japanese are running away with cold fusion that the USA is behind. Well, the Japanese seem to feel it's the other way around, and Mizuno describes widespread skepticism in Japan and even some skullduggery to prevent CNF research, heckling at a conference, etc., and Kozima mentions publication problems in Japanese journals.

All in all, a couple of interesting books, well worth getting and reading.  I have been asked whether these books change my opinion of CNF at all.  I am not sure about that; but that question, and reading these books, crystallized in my mind the thought that the term "skeptic" is not, and has not been, very appropriate to me. A better term would be "agnostic"; I simply don't know, and I leave it at that.


-- Dieter Britz alias db@kemi.aau.dk;  http://www.kemi.aau.dk/~db



雑誌  Cold Fusion Times (Vol.7, No.2, p.1, (Spring 1999)) の「TNCF モデル」の紹介記事

Second Decade of CF

How Does Cold Fusion Work?

This issue of the Cold Fusion Time presents additional nuclear product reports and theories which, we believe, appear to move closer to answering the question that won't go away: How does cold fusion work? How is the Coulomb barrier overcome? How can loading be maximized? How can one prevent catastrophic material breakdown? How does the energy from the excited generated helium (and other nuclear stats) disperse to the hydrogen-loaded metal lattice? Skeptics may claim that cold fusion "still doesn't have a unifying theory to explain the connection between the reported phenomena". Maybe now they will change their minds. Continuing with this issue of the Cold Fusion Times, a group of cold fusion theories are presented which further expand the science and engineering envelope around this field.

These theories are not mutually exclusive but together improve understanding of what is happening in these complicated loaded materials.


The TNCF Model of Cold Fusion

Hideo Kozima, Shizuoka University, Dept. Physics, Shizuoka, Japan

The TNCF model for the cold fusion phenomenon including various events of the excess heat, tritium, helium and neutron generations and nuclear transmutation is explained with applications for more than forty tyπcal experimental data. The cold fusion phenomenon has occurred in various materials and the explanation of the variety in the events and fields should be phenomenological at first if a unified point of view is demanded. This is the conceptual basis for a model theory of the cold fusion phenomenon. The TNCF model uses one adjustable parameter n_{n} expressing a density of the trapped neutron assumed to exist in materials.

There are more several premises in the model used common for all materials and events. The number of analyzed data more than forty will substantiate reality of these premises including the existence of the trapped neutrons in the materials when and where observed the cold fusion phenomenon. The explained experimental data (Table 1footnot{Table 11.2 of the book No.6 (Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon) in the author's book list given above in Chapter 3. (Note by H.K.))) include following tyπcal data with the determined parameter n_{n} (cm^{-3}) in parenthesis: the excess heat and others by Fleischmann et al. in 1989 (10^{7} 〜 10^{9}), the excess heat by Storms in 1993 (〜 10^{7}), Ota et al. in 1994 (〜 10^{10}) and McKubre et al. in 1995 (10^{9} 〜 10^{10}), neutron by Jones et al. in 1989 (〜 10^{11}) and De Ninno et al. in 1991 (〜 10^{6}), helium 4 by Morrey et al. in 1990 (〜 10^{8}), Miles et al. in 1993 (10^{9} 〜 10^{10}) and Cellucci et al. in 1996 (〜 10^{9}), tritium by Storms et al. in 1990 (〜 10^{7}), Srinivasan et al. in 1990 (〜 10^{8}) and Takahashi et al. in 1992 (〜 10^{3}), and NT by Bush et al. in 1994 (〜 10^{7}), Okamoto et al. in 1994 (〜 10^{10}), Notoya et al. in 1996 (〜 10^{9}) and Passell in 1996 (〜 10^{9}) and others.

These parameters n_{n} determined by the experimental data of number of events for those Quantities were in a range from 10^{6} to 10^{12} cm^{-3} as shown above partly. This amount of the tapped neutron in solid is not absurd from the point of view of the solid stat physics. The origin of the trapped neutron may be attributed primarily to the background ambient neutrons abundant around us. The fundamental cause of this conjecture is null results obtained in zero background conditions. There remain some discrepancies between the TNCF model and experimental data. The most serious one is lack of simultaneity of several events in experiments expected by the model. The cause of this discrepancy should be due to either defects of the model or insufficiency of the experiments.

The bases of the premises of the TNCF model are discussed using the conventional physics: nuclear physics and solid stat physics. Key points to verify the model will be behavior of thermal neutrons in crystals; especially neutron band formation and neutron wave - lattice nuclei interaction. Effect of these factors on the nuclear reactions in solids between thermal neutrons and the lattice nuclei is investigated suggesting a new science of the thermal neutrons in solids.



この雑誌("Cold Fusion Times")がどのような性格のものかは知りませんが、この紹介文はTNCFモデルの本質をかなり要領良く説明しています。問題は、誰がこの紹介をしているのか、その依拠する文献は何か、を曖昧にしたままであることです。

上の引用では省略した Table 1 は、引用文中の脚注にも記したように、著書6(" Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon")の Table 11.2 です。従って、上の紹介文がこの本に基づいていることは確かです。それにも拘わらず、要約・紹介をした人の名前も、依拠した本も明らかにしない紹介の仕方は説得力に欠け、読者に不親切で、無責任と言われてもしかたがないでしょう。

議論の的になっている問題についての紹介ですから、紹介者の署名と依拠した文献を明示し、問題探求をオープンに進める姿勢を明らかにするという当然のことを、雑誌の編集者には望みます。  (1999. 5. 20)





本会は、和名を「CF研究会」、英名を「Japan CF-research Society」略称:JCF、と称します。CF研究会とは、Condensed-matter (solid-stat) Fusion, Coherently-induced Fusion, Cold Fusion, 等の意味での固体内核反応および関連する科学技術の研究を意味します。主に固体内特有の現象の究明を行い、新エネルギーとしての新しい手法の開発を究極的にめざすものであります。


近年、固体内核現象が凝集体(固体)物理的または化学的条件が結合して、たとえば Coherently-induced Nuclear Fusion のような、新しい現象として生ずるとする多くの実験事実が報告されるようになりました。これは、従来知られているランダムプロセスとしての核反応と本質的に異なる形での固体内特有の核融合・核反応の存在を示唆するものであります。またこのことに関連した、物理、化学、材料工学、原子力工学面などからの多彩な研究が勃興しつつあります。このような状況により、CF研究は新しい学際・境界領域の研究として、多分野からの研究者がこの研究への参入を希望することとなっています。すなわち、ここに研究者の学術・技術交流を目的に学協会「CF研究会」を発足する意義は大きいと考えます。この「CF研究会」を日本のCF研究の学術的昂揚の場として、またこの分野での国際協力・交流の窓口として、意義あらしめたいと思います。CF研究会は任意団体として発足するのであります。





1.名称:日本名を「CF(固体内核反応)研究会」とする。英文名を Japan CF-research Society とし、略称を JCF とする。



















(1)代表幹事1人、副代表幹事1〜 2人をおき、運営とりまとめと対外代表窓口をつとめる。
























































